Chapter 53

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After the demise of Lucy's mother, her life only became much darker. Her father barely let her ride her precious horses anymore, she only saw her grandfather once a month, and he forbade her from speaking to anyone outside the castle which made her very lonely. But what truly sealed her fate as having a miserable childhood was the day her father caught her playing in the gardens with a boy who had passed by. He was furious and decided to punish her in a way that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

"Father I'm sorry." She pleaded as he dragged her roughly by the arm through the castle hallways.

"I've told you not to talk to anyone outside the castle but you disobeyed me."

"I only wanted a friend."

"A friend? Girl you will never have friends because no one in this world will ever love or care for you! No one but me and it's time that you learn that!"

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Something that I should have done the very instant you were born."

Down and down the hallways they went until they reached the stairway leading to the tallest tower of the entire castle. The very place where her mother had died. Lucy tried to resist out of fear but eventually she was forced to go all the way to the top where a luxurious room with silks and finery awaited her. As soon as they were inside the room Xavier snapped his fingers which caused the door and the stairs to the tower to vanish in a puff of smoke.

You see Xavier was not only a king but a great sorcerer. One of the greatest that had ever been known through out the land of Fiore. Known and feared. He was wielder of dark magic and for years he had used it to do many cruel and deplorable things. Things that would make nearly all too afraid to ever appose him.

"Father why are we here?" Lucy asked.

"This is your new home now my dear daughter." He said. "Since you cannot be trusted to live by my rules and act as a good girl you shall remain here where I can make sure that you do."

"But the door is gone. How shall I leave this place?"

"You won't."


"From now on you shall never set one foot out of that tower until I have decided that you are a good girl."

"But you can't keep me here! I'll starve!"

"I will see to it that all your meals and necessities are brought to you daily."

"How? There's no way in or out."

"Oh yes there is."

He pointed over to her brush which now lay on that vanity that had been moved up here.

"Brush your hair."


"Be quiet and do what I say!"

Trembling, she sat down at the vanity and proceeded to comb her hair with the brush. Almost instantly her blonde magically grew longer and longer and longer. So long in fact that it nearly covered the entire floor of the room. The golden locks then magically braided itself into a blonde rope.

"Throw your hair out the window!" He ordered.

Lucy did as she was told and her long braid reached all the way to the very bottom of the tower.

"Whenever something needs to be brought to you, myself or a servant will use your hair to climb in and out of the tower. " Her father told her. "Also your hair is now enchanted to where I am the only one who can cut it thus you can never use it to escape."

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