Chapter 34

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Nasha could feel her heart pounding as she tried to contemplate what just happened. She growled, she actually growled at someone and it wasn't like an annoyed or temperamental grunt it was like an actual animal.

"Did that come out of me?" She asked herself. She then glanced over at a mirror in the hall and saw something that made her heart rate pound even faster. Her eyes, they were changing again. Flipping back and fourth between regular brown and gold with those slits. "What the-"

"Hi Nasha!" Greige said from behind which caused her to scream.

"Oh God! Don't sneak up on me like that!" She said. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"No. Sorry, I didn't mean to." He said. "What's wrong with you?"

She looked back into the mirror and was relieved to see that her eyes were completely normal.

"Nothing." She said. "Nothing at all."

"Are you sure? You look like you've something that spooked ya."

"Yeah. You sneaking up on me."

He looked at her skeptically.

"Hmmm...No it was something else wasn't it?"

"No. Now if you'll excuse me I have some mail to deliver."

She walked into the kitchen and laid the mail on the counter top for Elkis. Later they went to school and once again Lusha found herself spying on a child from a distance. But this time she was being extra careful not to be seen and she was spying on a different child. This time she was watching Nasha.

"You know stalking a child is very questionable behavior." Much like Nasha earlier, Lusha was startled by a voice from behind and she was irritated to see that the voice belonged to Gren.

"I've told you a thousand times not just sneak up on me like that." She said. "It's creepy."

"Funny words coming from a woman who spies on children. If I didn't know you so well I would arrest you for harassment."

"Arrest me? You wouldn't dare."

"I think we both know I would. After all I don't work for you and despite you having a higher position of power, I outrank you."

"How the hell do you outrank me?"

"Well you're a politician and well let's face it, how many people do you know trust politicians one hundred percent? I on the other hand am a law enforcer. Someone who is supposed to protect and to serve the people. Someone who makes the people feel safe and as far as they know gains nothing out of helping them."

"Oh please." She said with an eye role. "As if everyone in this town trusts you a hundred percent."

"Oh no that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying they trust me more than you."

"And what gave you that ridiculous idea?"

"How about the fact that I've never lied to anyone?"


"It's true. I admit I do some underhanded tactics and I'm no saint but unlike you I'm always honest."

"You never lie? That's impossible. No one can go through life without lying."

"So you think. But I haven't told a single lie since my mother died. Lies ruined her life so I swore to her on her grave that I'd never tell a lie again."

"How interesting. I didn't think someone like you was a capable of love or that even a mother could love you."

"Ha-ha. That's another reason why people trust me more than you."

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