Chapter 27

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The first night in the attic was something Juvia would never forget. It was so cold, dark, dull, and gloomy. With drafts and spider webs at almost every corner. Her bed was iron and the mattress was torn with springs sticking out. She had no blankets to keep her warm but on that first night she didn't notice the cold or the dark or how terribly uncomfortable the bed was. All she could think about was that her father, her dear father, the person she loved most in this world was gone. Gone forever and never coming back. She fell asleep that night hoping that this was just some awful dream and that come morning she would find that her father was still alive but when the first ray of sunshine peeked through the window, waking her, and allowing her to see that she was still in the attic she knew that it had been no dream.

She changed into the clothes Melanthe had given her to wear which consisted of a ragged frock, an old apron, a kerchief for her hair, and a worn out pair of shoes. First thing she had to do was go into the kitchen and bring the family their breakfast trays after the cook was finished preparing it. Once that was done she asked if she could have some breakfast as well. Melanthe gave her only a crust of bread and told her that she had to eat in the kitchen by the fireplace from now on. After breakfast she would get started on the many chores Melanthe would have her do.

Everyday she worked around at the clock, starting at the crack of dawn and long into the night. She found it hard to sleep and was given very little eat. Sometimes they would starve her just to teach her humility or at least that's what Melanthe would say whenever her husband objected. These tragic events had finally led the wife to reveal what kind of woman she really was. Proud, greedy, haughty, and cruel and like her older daughter she hated Juvia the moment she saw her. Hated her and would try everything she could to break the child. One of her worst attempts at this was not allowing Juvia to attend her own father's funeral. The poor girl begged and pleaded with her new mistress to just let her visit his grave but she heartlessly refused.

Briar was just as bad. She relished in the Juvia's suffering. Taunting her every chance she got and calling her names like wench, tramp, urchin. She would also mess up rooms that Juvia had just cleaned or break things purposely just to get her into trouble. She once got up early and locked Juvia in the attic so she wouldn't be able to get breakfast served on time. She was punished with no food for a week.

Ulrich tried to object to his wife's abuse but alas he was born without any spine or nerve so he always gave into the wicked woman. It was pathetic, disgraceful, cowardly and he knew it to be true. It made him ashamed but not ashamed enough to change it. Meredy was fearful of her mother and sister which considering the fact that she was a child, made her a more forgivable case than her father especially when Meredy would still try to be kind her despite her mother's demands. That time Juvia was punished with no food for a week, Meredy decided to bring her some after three days had gone by. She saved some leftovers from dinner, wrapped them up in a napkin, and sneaked into the kitchen where Juvia was cleaning the chimney.

"Juvia?" She said making sure no one but the young maid was there.

"Hello Meredy." Juvia greeted. "Did you want something?"

"No I brought you a little dinner." She unwrapped the napkin and offered her the roll and slice of meat she manged to save.

"Thank you but you shouldn't be giving me food. You'll get in trouble if your mother finds out." Juvia warned.

"I was really careful. She didn't see me. Besides she shouldn't be starving you, it was Briar's fault you were late with breakfast."

Juvia would have protested further but she was so hungry that she didn't have the strength to do so. She ate the roll first and it went down very quickly. But when she started to eat the meat they heard the loud heel clicks of Melanthe's fancy shoes as she walked into the kitchen. Meredy was right when she said her mother hadn't of seen her but her sister did and she snitched. There she stood next to her equally horrible mother with that vile grin of hers.

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