Chapter 25

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Little Juvia sighed to herself in a very melancholic way as she looked out the window of the carriage she was riding in. Normally a carriage ride in the morning made her very happy and ready to begin the day but not this time. This time it made her very sad and pray for it to be yesterday again.

Riding along with her was her father. An extremely wealthy but kind man who's beloved wife had died giving birth to their precious daughter eight years prior. Since her demise he had been a devoted father and gave his child every luxury and comfort. She wanted for nothing and until today always had a smile on her face. Though doted on she knew humility and respect, but most of all loved her father above everything else in the world. Which is why it was only natural she be greatly upset with the good widower was summoned to serve in the troll wars.

Recently many trolls had been invading lands and slaughtering hundreds of innocent people like cattle. None having the reason or mercy to stop and find a more peaceful way of living. When the trolls began to move West, the King of Western Fiore ordered that every man fit for battle serve in this Godforsaken war. Now Juvia's father called Demetros had no living relatives nearby and he wanted to make sure that his daughter would be well taken care of while he was gone. So it was arranged that Juvia would be placed in the care of Demetros's fellow merchant and trusted partner. Demetros had known his partner to be a good and fairly decent man. Also he was married and had two daughters Juvia's age so he believed that during his absence, Juvia would finally have a mother figure and playmates.

But Juvia did not want to part from the man who had loved and looked after her since she first drew breath. Nor did she want to face the horrible and possible fact that her father may perish in this war.

"Why must you go?" She asked him. "Can't they send someone else?"

"I'm afraid not." He said.

"But you are merchant to the king. You are needed here."

"Ulrich shall takeover my work and the reason why I was chosen to go and not him is because I am younger and have had more experience with battle than him."

"But if you go who will I dance, laugh, and play with?"

"With Ulrich's daughters. They're very eager to meet you."

"What if they do not like me?"

"Nonsense. There is no one in this world who could possibly dislike you. You are just as adored as your dear mother was."

"Could you please tell me more about her? I know so little."

"Of course. She was of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, not to mention the most beautiful creature that ever walked the face of the earth. It was love at first sight when I met her."

"What did she think of me?"

"She didn't know you long but during those months she carried you and for that one moment she shared with you on the night you were born, she felt nothing but love and adoration. It broke her heart to leave us so soon."

"What did she look like?"

"She had hair like waves of the sea and eyes of the deepest blue. Her skin was fair and soft like white rose petals. And over the years I've noticed that you look so much like her."

"I do?"

"Yes. You have the same eyes, the same hair, the same gentle and sweet nature. I can't really see any of myself in you. All I can see is her."

"Well one of our maids once said that I have your nose and our butler would say that I can make others laugh like you."

Her father chuckled.

Once Upon A TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora