Chapter 10

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Warning attempted sexual assault in this chapter.

As the days went on, little by little Elkis tried her best to bond with her foster children but it was very difficult. Greige at least tried to be civil with her but Nasha was especially stubborn. No matter what attempt Elkis made to make their relationship better Nasha would just shoot her down. And she didn't just do it to Elkis she did it to Greige too. The boy had tried on several occasions to befriend her but she only brushed him aside or just ignored him. It was like the child absolutely refused to form any kind of relationship with anyone. 

Not sure what else to do she decided to call that therapist Juvina had mentioned, hoping that maybe he could help her figure out what kind of emotional issues Nasha and Greige had. But before doing that she wanted to make sure that he was reliable and not a quack especially considering she had never met him or even seen him. According to Juvina, Gazeel Redfox the school janitor was a former patient of his so she decided to speak with him on the subject.

"What happened between me and the doc is strictly private sister." He said gruffly when she asked him about it. "In other words it's none of your business."

He was a very rude and grumpy man who had a very short temper. He had been known to start fights and cause trouble which was why he had to see a therapist in the first place. A lot of people in town didn't like him but apparently Juvina was a good friend of his and the local children adored him. Of course why that was, no one knew.  After all he didn't exactly seem friendly.

"I'm not asking you to tell me what you talked about with Dr. Fernandes I just want to know if he's a good therapist." She said. "Like did he really try to help you or did he just say what you wanted to hear or did he just come up with some nonsense?"

"Why do you want to know this?"

"I'm sure Juvina has told you about the two children in my care."

"She's mentioned it a couple times."

"The thing is I'm having some troubling bonding with them and I think they may have some emotional problems."

"They're orphans. Of course they have emotional problems."

"Well I figured if I knew what those problems were then maybe I could help them and form a better relationship."

"You think they might be psycho or something?"

"No. Not everyone who sees a therapist is psychopathic though in your case..." She trailed off with a grin.

"Oh ha-ha. Very funny." He said with an unamused look. "You sound just like that pharmacist who likes to piss me off every chance he gets."

"Could you just tell me if it's a good idea for me to call Dr. Fernandes or not?"

"Fine. To tell you the truth sister I only went to see him because Detective Fullbuster got a court order insisting that I do so or I would go to jail for assault. I went to the doc thinking he was just going to judge me or or make my personal stuff public or make me sound crazy but honestly he really helped me."

"He did?"

"Yeah. He actually listened to what I had to say and he never judged me. He gave me some good advice on how to deal with my anger and he never told a single soul anything that I said during our sessions."

"So I can count on him to really help me with the kids?"


"Alright then. That's all I wanted to know. Thank you for your help Mr. Redfox."

"Whatever. Now if you'll excuse me I have a hallway to mop."

After that Elkis looked up Dr. Fernandes's number in the phone book and gave him a call. 

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