Chapter 11

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Erza slept hard that night because she was exhausted by both the extreme events that took place and the sudden news about her friend. Come morning she was determined to reach the castle of Princess Lucy immediately and find out what this was really about.

"I recommend you don't return." Natsu told her. "If she finds out you willingly chose not to kill me she'll be very angry with you. And you will most likely punish you severely."

"I'm not frightened." She said boldly. "I must know the truth. I must know if our friendship was genuine."

"I believe it was." He said. "Lucy has done some deplorable things but I know that deep down in heart all she wants is to be loved and accepted."

"Strange. She wants to kill you yet you hold so much compassion for her. Why is that?"

"Let's just say it's because I know her very well. Well enough to know that her reasons for her actions are understandable." 

"What do you mean?"

"I can't say but know this. Whatever you may find out about her when you get to the castle try not to judge her. At least not so harshly because she wasn't always the way she is now and it was my fault that she ended up like this."

Erza did not understand what Natsu told her. She tried to get him to be more specific but he couldn't tell her anymore than that. She thanked him again for saving her twice and giving her a place the stay then left for Lucy's castle. When she finally arrived she was greeted by the princess herself who had a very pleased expression on her face.

"Is it done?" She asked. "Did he drink it?"

"No. No he did not." Erza answered with a cold expression. One that was of pure betrayal. 

"I see..." Lucy said looking disappointed. "I guess he figured out who you were and what you were really up to so he evaded you?"

"He figured me out but he didn't evade me."

"He didn't?"

"No. In fact he saved my life twice even though he knew what I was trying to do to him." She said. "And it turns out we both had a very different idea on what you wanted me to do to him."

She pulled out the bottle.

"You told me this was a potion that would take away someone's power if they drank it. But that's not what it really is, is it?"

Lucy looked anxious. Like she had been caught red handed which in way she had been.

"This is poison isn't it?" Erza asked trying not to show the princess how angry she was. "You were going to trick me into killing him! You lied to me!"

"I had to! It was to spare you the guilt of knowing you killed someone! Someone who I might add is an evil killer."

""You're still lying to me! He's no killer! At least not in the way you told me! He saved me twice even though he knew that you sent me to kill him! What kind of evil killer would do that?!"

"It's a trick! One to get you to betray me! Don't be fooled. He has no kindness or goodness, he only wants to destroy everything I hold dear so I'll give into him."

"Enough with the lies! I know the truth! All of it! The beast told me everything!"

"Beast?" Her expression suddenly darkened. "What beast?"

"The shadow beast! He told me how you only befriended me so you could use me to do your dirty work! Is that true?!"

Lucy did not answer. Instead her face became even darker and it was filled with a great anger. Without a word she waltzed over to a nearby crystal ball that was placed on top of a table and grabbed it. At first Erza thought that the enraged blonde was going to break it or something but instead she did something very unorthodox. She started talking to it.

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