Chapter 41

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Erza couldn't recall the last time she had ever been so nervous. Morning seemed to have come much too soon for her liking and waiting for Jellal to arrive was torture to her. She wasn't sure what to say to him, of course she was probably going to accept his apology but she didn't know what she would say after that.

She combed her long red hair in front of the slightly cracked mirror that she owned and did everything she could to make herself appear more presentable. She really wished that she owned a little make up, at least some powder and a little rouge. Something to make her obviously not as beautiful as the many princesses and noblewomen he had met but pretty enough to make herself be seen as young woman instead of bandit.

When she heard the knock at her cottage door she held her breath and did not release it until she opened the door. There he stood o n the other side looking so very regal and handsome. Now that she thought about it, his position as a prince was rather obvious based on his appearance alone. Made her feel silly for not figuring it out sooner.

"Hello your highness." She said in a respectful tone of voice.

She was just about to kneel before him but to her great surprise he beat her to it. He took her gently by the hand and was on one knee, his gaze turned toward the floor.

"A thousand apologies my lady." He told her.

"My lady?" Erza blushed at the comment.

"I was entirely wrong to lie and deceive you. Although I meant no harm or ill will toward you it excuses nothing. A true prince is not deceitful or dishonest especially to those he considers a friend or ally. I beg your forgiveness my lady even though I am undeserving of it."

At the moment Erza was at a loss for words. She couldn't believe what it was she was seeing and hearing. The crown prince of Northern Fiore was on his knees, apologizing to her a peasant woman and begging her forgiveness. Such a display was completely unheard of. At least to her that is.

"You...You are forgiven." She said when she found her voice again. "Your highness."

He finally looked up from the floor to see her face. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. It was strange really, being a prince he had seen many noblewomen, queens, and princesses who were fair of face yet not fair enough for him to show any interest. However this peasant woman had a beauty that he could not erase from his mind.

When he stood up he gave the most relieved smile that she had ever seen on a man's face. As if a great burden had been lifted off of his shoulders just because she had forgiven him. But why was that? Why would the prince care if a peasant held any ill feelings toward him?

"So your highness-" She started.

"Please do not refer to me as that." He pleaded. "Call me by my name. Jellal."

"With all due respect, peasants are forbidden to speak familiarly to royalty."

"Unless they give their consent. You have my consent to be familiar with me."

"As you wish. So Jellal, if I may be so bold as to ask why did you lie to me about who you were?"

"Forgive me but I couldn't risk anyone finding out that I had left the palace or that I was masquerading as a royal guard."


"If I tell you, you may think me foolish."

"Perhaps but we all are guilty of acting as fools at least once in our lives."

"Really? Because I find it hard to believe that you have ever done anything foolish."

"Oh no? You forget you were a witness to such an occasion when we first met. I robbed the wrong carriage."

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