Chapter 31

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When Ulrich finished the week of seeing over the trade business of his ships he immediately bought all the fine things his wife and daughters had asked for. He bought perfumes, rouges, dresses, shoes, and jewelry but due to the cold weather of the season he was unable to find a rose for Juvia. He was disappointed not to have a gift for her but he could not help if a flower refused to bloom in Autumn.

At the end of the week he mounted his horse and made his way home. The quickest way back to Western Fiore was through the forest and his horse knew the way so there should not have been any trouble. But during the trip he found himself caught in something terrible but also odd. A storm of ice and cold wind, unheard of in the season of fall yet somehow here it was and it lead to him making a wrong turn. He began to fear that he had lost his way however the storm did not last long and when it cleared he could see a path that would take him straight home.

But before taking that route he spotted something in the distance that peeked his interest. He directed his horse toward what he saw and drawing nearer to it he discovered that it was a magnificent yet ominous looking castle.

"Strange." He thought. "Why would a castle be in this God forsaken forest?"

With his curiosity now even further peeked, he steered his horse to take him all around the castle grounds so he could get a better look at it. Now pretty much everything surrounding this castle was covered in snow and withering away. Absolutely nothing was alive or thriving. But then Ulrich caught sight a very peculiar looking gate that was behind the castle and well hidden but obviously not to where it would be impossible for it to be seen.

He got off of his horse and approached the gate. It was locked but he could see what was behind it and it was the most amazing thing. Outside of the gate it was barren and cold from the touch of the mysterious Winter climate change but inside of it was a garden that was flourishing and warm like Summer. This confused the man for he did not understand how such a miracle could exist. However his confusion and wonder quickly turned to joy and relief when he saw a hedge roses blooming around the gate.

"It seems that God has favored me." He thought to himself. "At last I can do something that will ease my burden."

Without thinking he stuck his hand through the gate a plucked a single red rose from the hedges. But at the exact moment the flower was removed from it's place the sky suddenly seemed to darken all around him and something jumped down, pinning him to the ground with it's clawed hand gripping his throat. When Ulrich's vision cleared from the shock he looked up at what had him pinned and in that moment he felt as he would die of fright. He knew who this creature was. He had heard countless horrifying tales about him during his many travels, he had even seen the monstrosity once and watched as he cruelly snapped the neck of one of his former employees who had gotten mixed up in one of his many deals.

It was the Shadow Beast. Gray. 

"And just what do you think you're doing?" He asked. His voice was calm and he was grinning but his eyes were overflowing with rage. "Who gave you permission to trespass on my property?"

"Please." He sniveled. "Let me explain. I did not mean to trespass I...I lost my way. There was a storm! I could not see!"

"Really? Well if that's the case I might be able to forgive you but while you were trying to find your way through I presume you noticed the gate? The locked gate!"


"And what do you suppose the lock on that gate is for?"

"To...To...To keep people out?"

"Exactly!" He tightened his grip on Ulrich's neck. "Funny, I thought you must be stupid because only an idiot would dare steal from me!"

"I did not know this castle was yours! Nor did I know that this rose was yours as well! Please! I beg your forgiveness!"

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