Chapter 44

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Aside from the incident with Mr. Vastia, nothing really eventful happened to Gren for the rest of the day. Or so it would seem. When he left the police station and went home he found the door to his house wide open. He quickly pulled out his gun and quietly stepped inside. He found a lot of books, drawers, and papers strewn across the floors, evidence that someone had broken into his house and had been looking for something. When he was sure no one was there, he put away his gun and went to see if anything was stolen.

His guns, police files, silver ware, antiques, and other typical things that someone would steal were all still present and accounted for. It looked like nothing had been stolen at all which Gren found to very strange. At first he thought that perhaps maybe the thief didn't take anything because he or she didn't find it was they wanted to steal. But then something caught his eye. An object that was lying on the desk of his study. An object he knew for a fact was not there before.

It was a rose. A single red rose. One look at it and Gren's heart was sent into a rapid panic as it dawned on him what valuable object he owned, that thief had been searching for. He immediately bolted upstairs to his bedroom and pried open the weak part of the floor boards where he kept his most precious possession hidden. He pulled out the small box where he normally kept it but upon opening it he found it to be empty.

His panic increased but he kept it internal along with his rage which had just been sparked at the moment but would soon grow into something much more burning and raving. 

He stormed out of the house and he had done it in such a haste that he almost bumped into Elkis who was walking by. 

"Oh excuse me Detective Fullbuster." She said. 

"My fault Miss Scarlet, I wasn't paying attention." He said.

"Are you alright?" She asked upon taking notice of the off putting look in his eyes.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well it's just that I've never seen you in a haste before. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing to be concerned about. Someone broke into my house and stole something from me."

"Well I wouldn't call that nothing to be concerned about. Were you hurt or something?"

"Nothing happened Miss Scarlet. By the time I arrived the thief was already gone with one of my possessions."

"What was stolen?"

"Forgive me but that's a private matter and I intend to keep it private."

"But how are the police going to help you find it if you won't tell what it is?"

"There's no need to get my co workers involved. I know exactly who stole it. Now if you'll kindly excuse me I'm going to retrieve what was taken from me."

He went right passed her and headed for his car. Now normally Elkis would just leave Gren to do as he pleased even if he was upset but this time she couldn't help but be a little curious. You see Gren was one of those people who didn't let people know if something upset him. He was always calm and rational, cleverly hiding how he really felt. But this time was different. Sure he still spoke calmly and politely but there was something different about his eyes. They were normally so very cold looking and had no emotion save for mischief but today they seemed to be slowly but surely becoming burning mad. 

Now she wasn't a detective or a cop but something inside of her urged her to follow the man and to keep an eye on him. Just until she had to pick the kids up from school. Then she would go home and forget the whole thing. Little did she realize what kind of trouble she was getting herself into.

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