Chapter 7

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Erza wandered around in the forest for hours. Not sure where to go or what to do. It had been almost a whole week since she fled from her home and began a new life in the wilderness but she had no place to live, no friends or family to go to, and she had run out of all the food she had brought with her. She tried to look for work but she couldn't find a village anywhere. This forest was an endless maze. What would she do now? She couldn't return home. Not if she wanted to forced into a life that frightened her so. But if she stayed here she would eventually starve to death because she had no idea on how to survive in the wilderness.

Suddenly she heard the sound of horses approaching. Horses usually meant that people were nearby. Perhaps she could find someone who would lead her out of this forest. She hurried to the source of the sound of horse shoes clattering and saw four proud stallions walk by pulling a grand carriage. Erza waved to the driver hoping to get his attention. The driver grabbed the reins of the horses and made them stop.

"What do you want woman?" He asked in an irritated tone.

"Please excuse me for disturbing you but I've been lost in this forest for days and I can't seem to find any form of civilization." She said. "Would you mind telling me where the nearest village is?"

"Useless peasant! Don't you know that this is the royal coach?! How dare you delay her journey!"

"I'm sorry I-"

"You must be punished!" He snapped and pulled a whip from his belt. He would have struck her with it had a voice from the coach not called out.

"Claude why have we stopped?"

The door to the carriage was opened and out stepped a pretty young blonde with regal bearing.

"A thousand apologises your majesty." The driver called Claude said. "But this peasant had the audacity to the interrupt our journey for a petty reason. I will see to it that she is punished immediately."

"Oh Claude there is no need for such barbaric actions." She said gently. "Please put that whip away."

"As you wish."

The blonde then turned her attention to Erza.

"Now tell me young woman why are you keeping me from my destination?"

"I'm very sorry your majesty." Erza said curtseying respectfully. "I didn't mean any harm. I was only trying to find the nearest village. I'm lost in this forest and I was hoping that one of you could tell me how to get out of here."

"I see. In that case there should be a pathway leading to a village just over that hill."

"Thank you."

"But I can't allow you to leave just yet."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well look at you. You're shivering and you look half starved. Why not come back with me to my castle? Before I send you on your way please allow me to warm you up and give you a proper meal."

"That's very kind of you to offer but I couldn't possibly accept."

"I insist. Please."

Not that Erza didn't appreciate the kindness being offered but she didn't want to be a burden on anyone. On the other hand she didn't want to be rude especially to someone who was royal.

"Alright if you insist your majesty."

"Wonderful. Claude help her into the carriage."

The driver reluctantly did as he was told and proceeded to get the horses pulling the carriage to start going.

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