Chapter 12

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Note Gray's parents are not Silver and Mika in this. They're completely different characters.

Nasha wasn't sure what it was Greige was trying to tell her. She read the last few pages of the final story in his book and even though she noticed the illustration that resembled Edolas she still didn't get the idea.

"Greige I'm reading the book and I still don't have a single clue to what it is you're trying to tell me."

"Well..." He said while hoping that she wouldn't react negatively to what he was about to tell her. "Okay keep in mind that this is just a theory and that I don't one hundred percent believe this."

"What? Spit it out shorty."

"I'm not that short!"

"You're short compared to me. Now cut to the point."

"Alright...You read in the last chapter that the princess of darkness cast a curse that banished all everyone in Fiore to another world. And you know how the characters in my book look like someone in this town? Well I theorize that Fiore is a real place and that every story in this book actually happened and that the characters are real people but when the princess cast her curse she brought them all here to Edolas. So everyone in this town is actually a character in my book."

Nasha became speechless for a moment because she wasn't sure that she had heard correctly. But eventually she realized she heard him clearly and that he wasn't joking.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Sort of." He said. "Like I said it's only a theory."

"A theory that doesn't make any sense. You're telling me that everyone in this town is a fairy tale character."


"Including Elkis?"

"That's right."

"I'm sorry but wouldn't Elkis or anyone else here know that they came from another world or had another life."

"That's the thing, they don't remember who they are. The curse took away their memories and gave them false ones. At least that's what the book says."

"Greige it's just a story. It's not real."

"Then why does every character look exactly like someone in Edolas? And why is the illustration of where the characters were banished drawn in the town's exact image? Come on Nasha, you can't really think it's just a coincidence."

"Well the alternative sounds crazy."

"Maybe but that doesn't mean it can't be true."

"Greige I don't think it's healthy for you to keep reading this book. Have you ever considered selling it or something? It looks like an old book and the cover and the illustrations look vintage. You could get a lot of money for it."

"I could never sell this!" He slammed the book shut and held it to his chest. "It's the only connection I have to my mother."

"Another reason for why you should probably get rid of it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Greige I don't think you should cling to something that reminds you of the people who abandoned you."

"My mother did not abandon me."

"How do you know that? You were a baby the last time you saw her. You don't remember her. You don't know anything about her."

"I know in my heart that she didn't give me away. Not willingly at least. Something forced us to be apart."

"Oh grow up will you?!"

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