Chapter 18

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With the custody incident settled, Elkis chose to take the kids home and call someone to restore her burned living room. But when she arrived she found police tape and demolition workers around her house.

"What the hell is going on here?!" She shouted.

"Miss Scarlet." Said the man in charge. "I'm very sorry to tell you this but we have a court order to demolish your house."

"What? Why?"

"There's a broken gas pipe under here and it must be removed before it causes any further harm. To do that we must demolish this house so experts can dig underground for it."

"But you can't do this! This is my home! Where am I and the kids supposed to live?"

"I can't help you there. I'm sorry. I can allow you to go inside and get your things but that's it. You can't stay here anymore."

"This is ridiculous! Who issued this court order?!"

"Mayor Heartfilia."

"Ugh! Why am I not surprised?!"

She argued with them for almost an hour and didn't agree to their terms until they threatened to call the police. Not wanting to face jail time especially when she just got the kids back, she reluctantly told the kids to pack up all their belongings while she did the same with hers. She couldn't afford to bring her furniture. She could only bring what could fit in suitcases, boxes, and bags. Whatever remained in the house would be destroyed.

She tried to get a room at a motel or a bed and breakfast but apparently their policies wouldn't allow them to take in someone who had been investigated by the police. In other words Lusha had spread the word about the custody case and made it sound like Elkis was an arsonist who got off on a technicality.

"I swear this woman is relentless." She cursed under her breath.

"So where are we going to live?" Nasha asked her.

"I don't know but for now I'm afraid it's my car." Elkis said. "It won't be long. I promise. I'll think of something."

"How exactly are we supposed to live in a car?"

"We'll manage."

"Manage what?" Nakku was walking back from work when he saw them packing things into her car. "Going on a trip?"

"No. Lusha had my house demolished."

"What? Why?"

"Apparently it's the only way to remove the bust gas pipe underneath. But actually it's her way of finding another reason to take the kids out of my custody. They can't stay with me if I don't provide suitable living conditions."

"Have you tried a motel or a bed and breakfast?"

"They won't take me because I've been investigated by the police."

"So you're gonna live in your car?"

"I don't have any other option and it's only a matter of time before Mr. Justine gets wind of this and sends the kids back."

Nakku thought for a moment and he got an idea.

"Well why don't you all stay with me in my apartment?"

"Nakku that's sweet but I can't."

"Why not? I have two bedrooms. You and Nasha can have the guest room, Greige will take my room, and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Nakku I can't ask you to do that. It's too much."

"It's better than a car isn't it?"

"But that's your home. To impose-"

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