Chapter 36

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Greige ran as fast as his legs could carry him yet from his point of view he wasn't going fast enough. He was in a panic, a panic of fear and guilt. He did it again. He caused another bad thing to happen. He didn't mean to but he allowed himself to get angry with the mayor and he knew very well what happened when he got angry. He should have known better. The poor boy was in such a haste to get help that he ended up, thoughtlessly running into the middle of traffic. 

"Whoa! Hey! Stop!" Gren had just stepped out of the diner when he saw him. He dropped his drink, grabbed the boy, and carried him out of the street before any harm could befall him. As soon as he feet were on the ground again Greige tried to run off but Gren sensing trouble held him in his place. "Hold it! Hold it! You almost bought yourself a one way ticket to heaven back there! What's wrong with you?"

"Help! Help! Help!" He could only say frantically.

"Now calm down." Gren told him. "Panicking is not going to help anyone. Take a deep breath and tell me what's the matter?"

Greige took a deep breath, let it out, and started to explain everything.

"Nakku, Nasha, and Mayor Heartfilia fell down the mine shaft and they're trapped. There's no way out and Nakku says they might not be able to breathe down there."

"Okay then." He said calmly. "I just saw Elkis in the diner. You go in there and tell her what happened while I get the police and the firemen."

"You're really going to help them right?" Greige said, terrified that the man would refuse.

"Of course I will. I'm a detective it's my job."

"But you don't like them. Well I don't know how you feel about Nasha but I know you don't like Nakku or the mayor."

"Greige police, firemen, doctors, and detectives help people even if they don't like them. That's they're job. Besides I have a soft spot for kids so there's no way I'm going to allow a little girl like Nasha to be trapped down there."

"Just don't let anything happen to them okay?"

"I won't. Now go get Elkis and do whatever it is she tells you. This is one of those moments where it is vital that you do exactly what the adults tell you and if you don't there will be terrible consequences. Understand?"

"I understand."


Gren went to get help and Greige hurried into the diner. As soon as he told Elkis what happened the woman thought she would have a panic attack. In fact she dropped the pot of fresh coffee she had made when she heard these news but Mrs. Marvell, having been a mother and now grandmother chose not charge her for it or fire her.

"Oh my God." Elkis said. "I have to get down there. Mrs. Marvell I know I have to work late but please-"

"Say no more." Her employer said. "Just go."

"Thank you."

"I'm coming too." Greige said.

"No. I want you safe and out of the way. Juvina." The school teacher was sitting out a table, she had been reading as she waited on her food before Greige came in with the frightening news. "Can you please watch him for me?"

"Of course." She said.

"Don't let him out of your sight and call me if anything happens." 

"I will."

"But Elkis-" Greige protested.

"Greige you are a child and this will be dangerous. If you come you could end up falling in too and I do not want that. Promise me you will not run off or leave Miss Lockser until I get back. Promise me!"

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