Chapter 48

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When the authorities arrived Yuki was taken to the hospital while Gren was arrested for assault and battery. Elkis was just stunned by the whole thing, she had never seen Gren lash out like that before. Nor did she ever seem him looking pained and having tears in his eyes. She assumed that Gren was the type to get real emotional or angry or sad. But now that she thought about, everyone was capable of getting angry or sad. Also during that beating she had heard him accuse Yuki of doing something terrible to someone. What was that about?

As soon as the cops left Gren alone in their car handcuffed while they checked the house for blood or any D.N.A samples, Elkis made her way over to the vehicle to see if she could get some answers.

"Are you alright?" She asked him.

"I've just been arrested. What do you think?" He replied.

"Sorry. I just want to know what just happened here."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You know I mean. You brutally attacked Mr. Vastia. Maybe even tried to kill him."

"I was only tying to get justice."

"You have a funny definition of justice. Just what did Mr. Vastia do to deserve being beaten to the point of unconsciousness?"

"He stole."

"That reaction was about more than just taking a trinket from you. You said something about how he took someone away from you. A she? Mind telling me what that's about?"

"Actually I do."

"Gren did he hurt someone you know? Is somebody in trouble? Who is this person?"

Gren contemplating denying what he she was accusing him of but that would mean he would have to lie and that was one thing he would never do.

"Someone long gone." He said. "And the truly evil crime that Mr. Vastia committed can't ever be proven. Not here at least."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't. No one would." He said looking away from her. "You better leave Miss Scarlet. If the police see you talking with me they might suspect you were in on my little attack."

She would have protested but he had a point. So she moved away from the police car and headed back to her own vehicle.

"Oh and by the way." He called. "Nice to know that you still have that heroism in you."


But before she could question him about what he meant by that the police had returned and taken him back to their station. Elkis drove back to Nakku's apartment but druing the whole drive she couldn't stop thinking about Gren's reaction and his last words to her.

"Nice to know that you still have that heroism in you."

What in the world did that mean? She had never done anything heroic in her life. Yes she stopped Gren from beating someone to death but that's about it and she wouldn't exactly call that heroic. She was just doing what any other sane person would do. Right?


When Gray located the nearest brook, he stopped the carriage and decided to travel the rest of the way on foot with Juvia who continued to try to convince him not to go through with his plan to kill Natsu.

"Please, see reason." She told him. "No harm has been done over the loss of just one book."

"How many times must we go over this." He said back to her. "He took that book so that he could learn my weakness and use it to destroy me."

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