Chapter 30

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Elkis was working a little later than usual at the diner Friday so the kids were told to come there and wait for Elkis to finish up. 

"Elkis your kids are here." Mrs. Marvell announced when they walked in. Mrs. Marvell the owner of the diner was a very crabby old woman who was easily annoyed by things like lazy employees and incompetence. She and Cara would bicker from dawn to dusk over how the brunette would make her business slow though many wondered why she hadn't of fired her yet if Cara was that bad of employee. However the pink haired senior wasn't without her soft side. She was always polite to customers, she paid very well, and gladly gave Elkis a job despite her situation with that court hearing. 

"Alright." Elkis called back. "They won't be any trouble. They'll just sit there until my shift ends." 

"Can I get you two anything?" The elderly woman asked the two kids.

"No thanks." They both replied before sitting at a table and getting started on their homework. 

Greige finished his first and when he looked up from his worksheet, he glanced over to one of the diner's windows which allowed him to spot Lusha watching him again. It was from a distance and she was sitting in her car but he could tell that she was watching him. Watching him and Nasha.

"Nasha." He whispered to her.

"What?" She replied.

"She's watching us."


"The mayor."

He subtly pointed in the direction of her car that was parked across from the diner.

"I think she might be on to me."

"On to you for what?" Nasha said. "That you try to cheat at math?"

"No and for the record using a calculator is not cheating. Anyway what I mean is I think she suspects that I've figured out what's really going on with this town."

"Oh man you're not talking about that stupid book theory again are you?"

"It's not stupid and now I know for sure that I'm right about this because she keeps stalking me."

"I think you're imagining things. Why would the mayor stalk you?"

"Because I know her evil plan and she wants to get rid of me before I get everyone to believe me."

"No offense Greige but no one is going to believe you about this because it's not real."

"Then why is she stalking me?"

"She's not stalking you."

"She approached me at school when I was alone and now she's spying on me from across the street. I'm no Einstein but I'm pretty sure you do that kind of stuff when you're stalking someone."

"Hold on she came to your school?"

"Yep and she tried to take my book."

"Okay that's creepy."

"Ya think?"

"Maybe we should call the cops."

"That won't do any good. The police are all her henchmen."


"Alright her goons then. Her lackies, her slaves, her bootlickers, the point is the police won't help us if we go to them. Besides they don't arrest people for being creepy."

"That's true. If they did you'd be in juvenile court by now."

"I am not creepy."

"You sneak around and eavesdrop on people. That's pretty creepy."

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