Chapter 54

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Nasha was bored. It was pouring down rain this afternoon so she couldn't go outside and she had finished doing her homework, she had listened to all the songs on her i-pod, and there wasn't anything interesting to watch on TV. Elkis was away and Nakku was busy trying to fix a motor for his car so it was just her and Greige.

"You know you could try reading a book." The boy suggested to her.

"Yeah I've never been the bookish type." She responded.

"Well that would explain your grades."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. It's just that I saw your last report card and your grades in literature are very poor."

"What are you doing in looking at my report card?"

"I found it on the table the other day and I became curious."

"Must you always be such a snoop?"

"The best detectives are snoops."

"You're not a detective."

"I might as well be, considering the fact that I have a lot to solve."

"Oh yes. You and your ridiculous plan to prove to the world that fairy tales are real or whatever."

"Well yeah but recently I've discovered some more subjects to look into. Subjects that I think you'd be interested in."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that Elkis is trying to find our parents."


"I overheard her on the phone with Dr. Fernandes and apparently she thinks that finding out who are parents are and why they gave us up will help us adjust better."

"No way. She's not doing that."

"That's what she said."

"You misheard or something."

"I know what I heard."

"You must've of heard wrong. Either that or she's crazy because I have said numerous times that I want nothing to do with my parents. I don't want to meet them, I don't want to know who they are, as far as I'm concerned they ceased to exist as soon as they left me on the side of that road."

"You know you really shouldn't be so quick to assume that they were the ones who left you there when you have no evidence of it."

"Well there's no evidence that they didn't leave me there."

"So it's open for interpretation. Anyway I don't know the whole story about your parents or how you ended up there but there's something that may contradict your belief on that matter."

"What do you mean?"

"You're completely convinced that your parents never wanted you and never loved you. But if that were entirely true then why were you found with a keepsake?"

"What keepsake?"

"That toy kitty cat you have. You said it was found with you. Meaning whoever left you there most likely left that toy there with you. If your parents just discarded you like trash why would they leave behind a special toy?"

Nasha tried to think of an answer that would prove her point but nothing came to mind. She wouldn't admit to it but she had wondered about that many times. She still believed that she had been callously abandoned by unloving parents but if that truly was the case then why was a stuffed animal given to her?

"You know what I think." Greige said. "I think that maybe we should try to get Elkis to let us in on the investigation."

"Even if I wanted to investigate which I don't, she wouldn't let us get involved."

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