Chapter 42

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"So Miss Scarlet, if I may ask do you enjoy being a foster parent?" Siegrain asked her as they were finishing up their meal.

"I do." She said. "I will admit it's not easy and those two have done some things that have sent my heart into arrhythmia but I like caring for them. And I love doing little things for them that make them happy like making coco for Greige and a meat pie for Nasha."

"You must really love children."

"I do."

"Did you ever want to have one of your own?"

"Yes. I did. So very much but I don't have a husband and I can't afford artificial insemination."

"Did you try adoption?"

"I did, they rejected my application."

"Why? You seem like you would be a wonderful mother."

"Maybe but I'm single and I don't have a lot of money, they said that those are two things that make for a poor parent. So when all else failed I opted for foster care."

"At least you managed to get that job."

"Yeah but for how long? Foster parenting is a temporary job. Once someone decides to adopt Greige and Nasha they'll have to leave me." She sighed.

"I'm sorry." Siegrain said in an understanding tone of voice. "I know how you feel, I wanted to have a child as well but for obvious reasons I can't artificially inseminate myself."

"Did you ever try to adopt? You probably have enough money to be considered an acceptable parent."

"Yes but I'm also single and you may call me cliche for saying this but I would want to share any child I have with someone I loved. Being a single parent is fine but I believe nothing can compare to the miraculous and unbelievable discovery that you and the person you loved most created a life together. That your love made something."

"Yes but some couples can't always conceive."

"I'm not talking about just the pregnancy and the birth. Even if a couple adopts a child they're still creating something wonderful with their love. It's the great adult that child will grow into because of the love they were raised with."

"Huh...I never thought of it like that." She said.

"But the thing is I sincerely don't think that I'll ever be a father. It's just not cut out for me and I've accepted it. Even though I had names picked out."

"Really? Me too."

"Can I hear them?"

"Only if I can hear yours."

"Fair enough. For a boy I always liked the name-"

"If I ever had a son I wanted to call him-"

"Eli." They said at the same time. The two went silent for a moment and then started to laugh.

"A guess great minds think alike huh?" Siegrain chuckled.

"I suppose." Elkis added with a giggle. "But Eli is a common name. The name I had picked for if I had a daughter is much more rare."

"Really? What is it?"


Siegrain suddenly stopped chuckling and looking at her completely surprised by what she said. Surprised and suspicious.

"What?" She asked upon noticing his change in demeanor.

"Are you some kind of mind reader?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

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