Chapter 50

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In normal circumstances Gren was facing a high penalty for assault and battery but being the clever, crafty, and intimidating man that he was, he managed to only get prohibition. However word travels fast in a small town and when everyone heard about how he violently attacked someone it made almost all of them extremely terrified of the man. When he walked by the lot of the people would just stop and stare, worried that he just suddenly snap and go crazy like he had done the other night. Now this didn't really bother Gren that much because he was used to this treatment. Maybe not in this new realm but in his old one definitely. 

Speaking of which, he still couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he recalled the look on Lusha's face when confirmed to her that he had all of his real memories in tact and she had every right to be worried by this knowledge. After all he was pretty much the only person who knew all of her strengths and weaknesses. All of her dirty little secrets and lies. And he knew just how to exploit them and exploit them he would but all in good time of course. 

"Um...Hi." He had just sat down to take a sip of his coffee when he noticed Greige standing next to him. 

"Can I help you?" Gren asked him. 

"Can I talk to you about something Mr. Fullbuster sir?"

"Sure but aren't you a little skittish around me? I mean you did hear about what I did to Mr. Vastia didn't you? Of course he had it coming."

"I know what you did but I also know that you won't hurt kids so I'm not scared."

"Really? Where did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear it. I read about it in my book." He said. "You remember, don't you?"

"Remember what?"

"Who you really are. Who everyone else really is."

"Could you be a little more specific?"

 Greige pulled his storybook out of his backpack and flipped through the pages until he stopped on an illustration of Gren's previous identity. 

"This is who you really are, isn't it?" Greige asked pointing to the picture. "And you know it. You've known all along."

Gren didn't answer. Instead he just picked up the book and started to look at some of the illustrated pages. He recognized a lot of the images as events that took place many years ago. But out of all the pictures he saw in the book, the one that really held his attention was of a blue haired maiden dressed elegantly and sniffing a rose while looking very innocent and very beautiful. His hand slowly moved toward the picture of the woman and then gently caressed it as if it was actually her.

"Where did you get this?" He asked Greige while not taking his eyes off the picture.

"I don't remember. I've had it since I was a baby. In fact they found it along with me." Greige answered. 

Gren could tell that the paint and ink used to write and illustrate this book was magic. He may have spent ten years in the modern world but he'd recognize a magical tool or the work of a magical tool anywhere. Which meant this book definitely came from Fiore and if Greige was found with that book as a baby then he must've been born in Fiore. Thus confirming that he was one of the children destined to break the curse. 

"Aww man!" Greige said looking at his wrist watch and unintentionally interrupting Gren's thought process. "I didn't know time would fly that fast coming all the way down here to talk to you. I'm gonna be late for school. We'll finish this talk later. I gotta get going."

"Hold on I'll drive you there so you'll be on time." Gren offered.

"Really? Thanks."

"You're welcome but a word of advice, if you wanna talk to me when it's not emergency wait until after school huh?"

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