Chapter 40

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When Elkis agreed to go shopping with Minajane the next day she expected that we would just go out and buy a simple but decent dress. Maybe some better looking shoes. Nothing too crazy. But what she got was a full on makeover. Poor Mina just couldn't help herself. She took Elkis to Edolas's best boutique and bought her brand new dress. It was a short and strapless purple dress that fitted her figure quite well but wasn't too revealing. The shoes she bought for her were black, open toe heels and the jewelry consisted of a choker with matching earrings.

Once done with shopping, they went back to Nakku's apartment where Minajane did her hair and make up. Elkis's hair was style half way up while the rest was left down and flattened. Her make up consisted of a subtle yet flattering shade or lipstick, blush, and eye shadow. By the time she was ready it was a hour before Siegrain would arrive.

"There we go." Minajane said as she finished with her eyebrows. "Behold my master piece."

She stepped aside to let Nakku and the kids look over her handywork.

"Wow." Nakku said before giving a little whistle. "You look good in a dress Elkis."

"I don't know." She said feeling a little insecure. "You think it's too much?"


"You look fine to me." Greige said.

"That color really looks pretty on you." Nasha said. "Purple clothes and red hair make a very good combo. Also your make up is very akin to your natural tones so it's too flashy but at the same time it's bright enough to get you noticed."

Nakku and Greige looked at her in a weird way. As if they expected the knowledge and understanding of make up and clothes to not apply to someone like her.

"What?" She said. "It's just an observation I made."

They still stared at her.

"Alright sometimes I read the model and beauty articles in Sorcerer Magazine. I'm a tomboy with a girly streak. Sue me!"

"So Elkis you never did tell us who your date is for the evening." Nakku said.

"It is not a date." Elkis said. "It's a professional dinner."

"Whatever. Who is he?"

"Dr. Fernandes."

"Our therapist?" Nasha said. "You're dating a shrink?"

"It's not a date. We're just meeting to discuss certain matters in regards to you and Greige."

"So you're going to talk about how we're crazy?"

"You're not crazy. We're just trying to figure out how to make you two feel more at home here. The whole thing is strictly professional."

"Then what's with the dress and the make up?"

"The restaurant we're going to is very sophisticated. I can't just go there in a turtle neck and jeans." She said checking her appearance in a mirror. "Nakku you'll be watching the kids right?"

"Yeah." He assured her.

"Good. There's money on the counter that you can use for pizza. It's a Friday so Nasha and Greige can stay up late but make sure they do their homework." She instructed.


There was a knock at the door. Elkis checked her appearance again and went to answer. On the other side stood a sharply dressed Siegrain who was taken aback by the red head's stunning appearance.

"Hello Dr. Fernandes." She greeted.

"Hel...Hello Miss Scarlet." He said tugging on his neck tie a little. "Am I...Am I too early?"

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