Chapter 29

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Juvia wasn't sure how long she slept but when she woke up she became very frightened because she knew that she had not finished her work and would most likely starve as punishment for it. But to her surprise she found the ashes and lentils completely sorted out. 

"How odd." She thought. 

She was certain that she had fallen asleep before finishing so how did it get done?

"So you actually finished it?" She heard the cold voice of her mistress say from where she stood in the kitchen doorway. "Well done. You've earned the right to eat."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Well don't just sit there! Get up and serve us our breakfast!"

"Yes ma'am."

She got the trays and dishes set up at the table then brought the family their breakfast.

"I heard you slept by the fireplace this time." Briar said. "You're probably covered in ash and soot. Why don't you sleep with the pigs if you insist on smelling like one?"

"Briar." Ulrich said. "That was a bit harsh don't you think?"

"Is it harsh to call someone out on the fact that they are filthy because they sleep near dirt?"

"Actually she doesn't look very dirty at all." Meredy observed which earned a hateful glare from her sister that made her go a little meek. "I mean...Well look. Her hair and face are completely free of ash."

Juvia glanced at her reflection in the looking glass that hung in the hallway. Meredy was right. Her hair and her face was clean. There was no a trace of ash or cinder to be seen and was it her imagination or did her hair appear much more shinning and sparkling today? Her master and his family noticed it as well. Now Juvia's hair had always been pretty yet hard to notice due to the kerchief and the ash but today it was absolutely dazzling and well kept.

"How on earth did a wench like you get your hair like that?" Briar asked.

"I would not know." Juvia answered. "I have no comb, no brush, both were sold to pay off that dreadful debt that I unfairly let you all with."

That's not how she really saw it but she knew if she degraded herself it would make her mistress less likely to act wrathful. 

"I shall now go wash and mend all the clothes. Excuse me."

The rest of the day was fairly the same. She did her chores, fed Gajeel and the doves, tended to every need of her mistress and her daughters, all without one complaint. By the end of the day she was back to being covered in cinders and ash, forced to go to sleep like that no less but come morning it was all gone again and that's how it was here on out. She would go to sleep ash covered and then wake up clean and looking more fair. It was confusing to her and she didn't understand how it was happening. 

Then one day it was announced that next spring the king of Western Fiore would be holding a royal ball in hopes that his son Prince Lyon would choose a bride. Every eligible maiden was expected to attend and these news filled the entire house hold with excitement.

"Just think of it." Meredy said. "We'll get to see the castle all lit up and beautiful. And we might even meet the prince."

"You've seen him?" Juvia said.

"I saw him once riding through town while we were out shopping. He was so handsome that I became lost and fell over myself like a fool. Everyone laughed at me but he..." She sighed with blushing cheeks. "He smiled at me and helped me back to my feet. He was even more wonderful than I thought."

"Maybe you'll lucky enough to be chosen by him at the ball."

"Oh no. No that could never be me."

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