Chapter 16

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I decided to change everyone's last names.

Nasha and Griege appeared to be fine and sustained no burns from the fire but they were kept overnight just be on the safe side. Elkis had a hard time sleeping there that night because she was very worried about the kids. She wasn't sure what she'd do if either of them had been hurt. 

When morning came she called Nakku and asked him to bring over a set of clean clothes for her and the kids to change into. The fire had only damaged the living room so none of their more important items were destroyed. 

"They're going to be alright Elkis." Nakku told her. 

"I just can't wrap my head around how that fire started." The red head said. "Nothing was left on, I keep matches and other dangerous stuff like that in a locked drawer, how did this happen?"

"The police are looking into it right now."

"The police?"

"They suspect arson."

"Why would someone set fire to my house? And it was from the inside."

"I don't know but when I went to get the clothes I saw them snooping around."

"Gren wasn't with them was he?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"He was here last night at the hospital and I think he was trying to warn me about something. But I couldn't tell. The way he talks hardly makes any sense."

"Well he's a shady guy. Why do you expect?"

A few minutes later a nurse with long white hair walked into the waiting room. She recognized her as the nurse who worked with the doctor examining the kids.

"So are they alright?" She asked her.

"Yes Miss Scarlet they're fine." The nurse replied with a smile. "You just have to fill out these papers and you can take them home."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Lusha and a man with long green hair who was with her.

"Mayor Heartfilia what are you doing here?" Elkis asked. 

"I heard about the fire so I had the police do a little search of your house." The blonde said.

"Don't you need a warrant for that?"

"Yes and I have one."

"Why did you have the police search my house? It was an accident."

"Well perhaps I could just dismiss it as that if it was just you living there but now you have children and one can't be too careful when children are involved."

"That still doesn't explain why you're here and who's this?" She asked pointing to the green haired man. 

"Everyone this is Johann Justine." Lusha introduced. "Edolas's social worker."

"Social worker?!" 

"Yes Miss Scarlet." He said. "Until the police discover that fire you're under investigation for parental neglect."

"Parental neglect? What are you talking about? I got the kids out of there as soon as I knew there was a fire in the house."

"But the fire could have been started by a careless and irresponsible action of yours."

"What? Where are you getting this from?!"

"Just some observations that the police noticed."

"What observations?"

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