Chapter 52

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Warning suicide in this chapter.

For the next few days Lusha felt very uneasy and anxious. Her last conversation with Gren had really worried her, the way he looked at her with his normally chilled eyes which were overcome with a burning rage in that moment and the way he spoke to her as if he was about to go into a psychotic break. For once in her life she was actually afraid of him. Now in all the years she had known Gren a.k.a Gray, she had only been annoyed or angered by him.

Annoyed by his constant teasing and manipulation. Irritated by his obsessive desire to entertained by butting into her plans. Frustrated by that constant smirk that his twisted little brain would hide behind. Some times it would drive her completely insane. But that's all he had ever done to her in the past. Just annoy or anger her, never once had he done anything that frightened or intimidated her. Until now that is.

He didn't even have magic or was in his beast like form yet he had managed to make her now feel a deep fear that she thought would never arise. The fear of what he would do to her if he ever found out what really happened to Juvina a.k.a Juvia. It wasn't until now that Lusha started considering that maybe she had crossed a few lines back then and it would seem that tampering with Gray and Juvia's relationship was one of those lines.

However she really had no need to fear right? After all it's not like Gren would ever find out what really happened. Juvina didn't remember and there was nothing in this world that could reveal the truth. She had nothing to worry about. But if she was so sure of that then why was she still so scared?

"Morning Madame Mayor." Nakku greeted her as he walked by. His voice not only snapped her out of her worried thoughts but also startled her into jumping and dropping her office papers. "Oops...Sorry."

"What do you want?!" She snapped before getting down on her knees to gather up her fallen papers.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say hello. I didn't mean to scare you. Here let me help."

"I am perfectly capable of doing this on my own."

Nakku watched her pick up her papers and he couldn't help but noticed that she looked a little pale this morning. Pale and shakey with a few beads of sweat here and there.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"Never been better. Why do you ask?"

"Well you seem a little off today. I mean you jumped when I said hello and you've never done that before. Given me a hateful glare or insult me yes but you've never jumped or screamed. Did something happen this morning?"

"No and even if something did happen it would be none of your damn business."

"Hey I'm just trying to make sure that you're not in some kind of trouble."

"Trouble? Ha! I never get into trouble."

"Then why do you look like the devil is after you or something?"

"He's not the devil but he's the closest thing to it." She muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Nakku asked.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone."

When she finally had her papers in order she stormed off, leaving Nakku feeling very concerned for her. Now she could deny it all she wanted but he could tell that she was afraid. Very afraid of something. But what?

"What do you mean she look terrified?" Elkis asked Nakku when he told her about it later that day.

"I mean that she looked terrified this morning. Scared, afraid."

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