Chapter 51

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Lucy had always loved riding horses. Ever since she was five years old and her grandfather had taken her horse back riding for the first time, she had found no other hobby to be more delightful. Feeling the wind flow through her long golden hair as she rode her regal steed over hurtles and across the land spaces within the castle, was she could travel all over the world. To her it was the closest thing she had to freedom and she adored the magnificent creatures. Although her favorite had always been the white stallion she called Plue who had been given to her on her ninth birthday by her grandfather. He was a clumsy horse and didn't always get the hurtles just right but he was gentle, playful, and sweet just like she was and that's what made him her favorite.

Every afternoon as soon she finished her lessons she would go outside to the royal stables, climb on to Plue's back, and ride him for as long as she could while filling the air with her laughter. Yes there was nothing in the world that made the little princess more happy than to ride her beloved Plue. And there was nothing that made her grandfather, Lucien the former king of Eastern Fiore more happy than to watch his precious grandchild ride her steed and be full of joy.

"I think that's enough riding for today Plue." The young girl told the white horse as she gently pulled on the reigns to stop him. She then climbed off his back and handed him an apple from her dress pocket. "Tomorrow I'll see if I can get you a sugar cube and honey."

"Now Lucy don't spoil your steed too much." Lucien said approaching her with a smile full of pride. "Give him too many sweets and he'll become fat and lazy."

"Grandfather!" She excitedly ran to him and embraced him lovingly. He returned them embrace while gazing at her as if she was the most beautiful thing in the world. "I thought you wouldn't be back til next month."

"I finished my business early which is a relief because I don't think I could have bared being away from my little princess for a moment longer."

"Did you see me riding Plue today?"

"Yes and it was beautiful sweetheart."

"Thank you Grandfather." She said before planting a kiss on to his cheek.

"Beautiful?" A voice scoffed. "I'd hardly call that beautiful. You're old age is getting to you Lucien."

The happy reunion between the old man and his granddaughter was interrupted by the appearance of a strong but very mean looking man with a read beard. It was King Xavier, Lucien's son in-law and Lucy's father.

"You didn't like it Father?" The blonde child asked.

"You ride like a commoner." He said. "Without control or restraint. A king's daughter should ride with refinement and pride."

"I was just having fun."

"You're getting a little too old for fun. Part of me feels that maybe we should put a stop to this ridiculous activity of yours. Truly it is a waste of time."

"Must you always belittle her?" Lucien defended. "She's only a child Xavier. She has a such small amount of time to be carefree and happy. Don't make it any shorter."

"Stop coddling her you old fool! It really infuriates me how often you forget that she is my daughter not yours." He turned back to Lucy. "Put that beast back in the stables and get back to your room."

"Yes Father."

She took Plue back to the stables and returned to the castle to where she had been born and bred. She sat on her bed and started to play with her doll Michelle, she glanced over and saw her mother Queen Esme walking down the hall. She quickly jumped from the bed and went to the queen.

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