Chapter 26

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When Elkis arrived to pick up Greige she asked Juvina to speak with her privately about something.

"Is it about Greige?" Juvina asked.

"No but I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"It's a little weird but do you remember when you moved into this town?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Just answer me and then I'll explain."

Juvina searched her memory for when she first moved into Edolas but just like with Elkis and Nakku she couldn't find that memory.

"Huh..." She said.

"You can't remember can you?"  Elkis said.

"Strangely enough no I can't."

"I can't remember when I moved here either and neither can Nakku."

"You mean you don't even know the dates of when you moved in?"

"No. None of us can."

"That's peculiar."

"Not just peculiar, creepy. Like Twilight Zone creepy."

"What does this mean exactly?"

"I have no idea but something's not right. We've lived here for all this time and we can't even remember ever coming to live here? Juvina do you remember anything that happened ten years ago and further back? Like your childhood and your family?"

"I remember what I was told. My mother died when I was born due to complications and later my father died while serving over seas when I was a little girl. I spent my childhood living with a neighbor's family but they weren't that good to me."

"But do you remember any of that?"

"Well obviously I don't remember my mother or her dying. I was a newborn when that happened."

"But what about your father? Or growing with that neighbor's family? Do you remember any of that?"

Juvina closed her eyes and tried to picture her father's face. They said she had been eight when he passed so she should at least remember him a little, no matter how hard she tried nothing came up. No memory of her father, no memory of her childhood or how she grew up, she couldn't even remember going to college and getting a teacher's degree. How could that be?

"I don't remember any of that at all." She said in shock. "I can't remember anything from my life ten years ago and back."

"I can't either and I bet Nakku can't or anyone else in this town."

"This is getting a little scary."

"You think? Just what the hell is happening here? Why is it that our memories are so mixed up?"

"Well Greige has a theory for why that might be and please don't be alarmed by it but...He thinks we, as in everyone in town came from another world and that Lusha used a curse to bring us here and make us forget who we really are."

"He said that to you?"


"Was he playing a joke or something?"

"He looked serious to me. It's that book of his, he says we're characters in his book."

"Nakku mentioned something about that to me the other day. I thought he was overreacting to a child just playing pretend but does Greige really believe that?"

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