Chapter 46

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Elkis picked up the kids from school, helped them with their homework, and fixed them dinner like she always did. But during all that time she couldn't stop worrying about Gren which she found to be very odd. Before today she never really cared what Gren did or how he felt. As far as she knew he was just a sneaky detective who could either be a great ally or a terrible enemy. Nakku had been telling her for years that the man was no one to be trusted or sympathetic to but today when she saw him, it was like a switch went off. Like some kind of long forgotten sense was reawakened and urged her to be concerned. 

"So it's a right angle if it's at 90 degrees, right Elkis?" Greige asked her as she was helping him with his math homework. However she didn't respond. She was too lost in thought. "Elkis?...Elkis?...Elkis!"

"Huh? I'm sorry what?" She said.

"Are you okay? You seem a little out of it."

"I'm fine dear."

"Are you sure? You've been like this ever since you picked us up. What's going on? Did something happen?"

"No. Not really. I just ran into Detective Fullbuster today and he was upset about something."


"Apparently someone broke into his house and stole something from him. He thinks it was Mr. Vastia."

"Wait somebody robbed him?" Greige said getting nervous.


"Oh no. Elkis you better call the police. Now."

"I suggested that to him but he was certain that he could recover what was stolen on his own."

"No! Don't call them for theft! Call them to prevent possible assault and maybe even murder."

"What?" She said slightly disturbed by the boy's words. "Greige it was just a small robbery. He wasn't hurt."

"I'm talking about him. I'm talking about who ever robbed him. If Detective Fullbuster finds him he's not going to arrest him. He's going to hurt him really, really bad."

"Greige I think you're overreacting. Now I know that man will sometimes bend the laws to suit certain agendas that he has but I really don't think he would assault and or murder someone over a petty theft."

"Elkis he once tortured a guy just for stealing a book."

"What? Where on earth did you hear that?"

"I read about it. Here, let me show you."

He went into the room that he had been staying in and came back with his story book. He laid it out on the table, opened it up, and started to flip through the pages.

"Greige what is this?" Elkis asked.

"I know you don't remember what kind of man he was before all this but you have to believe me on this. He gets really pissed when someone steals from him."

"Greige don't use language like that."

"Sorry but it's true." He stopped on a page. "Take a look."

"Honey this is just a story. It's not real."

"Just look at the picture."

She rolled her eyes in frustration but did as he asked. The illustration showed a beastly figure who despite it's otherworldly appearance, could be recognized as having a strong resemblance to Gren. The figure was in a dudgeon and wiping blood off of a knife while a man who mirrored Nakku's appearance was hanging from shackles and bleeding. It was a very disturbing picture. Made Elkis wonder why someone would put something like this in a children's book. But what disturbed her the most wasn't the image of torture but the fact that two characters involved looked so much like two people she knew. 

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