Chapter 32

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When Nasha and Greige made it to the drug store the boy immediately went to approach Gren who at the moment was looking for something on one of the many shelves. Nasha didn't like the idea of talking to the detective. She couldn't help but sense that there was something off about him. Something not quite right and that it would be best if she avoided him at all costs. Nakku and Elkis both shared her feelings on the matter but for a reason she could not understand Greige who was younger than her did not. In fact he didn't seem to be intimidated or scared of Gren at all.

"Excuse me? Detective Fullbuster?" Griege called out.

Gren turned around from the shelves and looked down at the boy, giving him a smile.

"Oh hello. You're one of Miss Scarlet's foster kids right?"


"Shouldn't you be with her? It's not very safe for a child to be out on his own."

"I'm not alone I have Nasha with me."

Gren looked up from Greige and glanced over at Nasha. He smiled at her as well but that only made her shiver a little.

"I see. So what can I do for you?"

"Would you mind answering some questions for me?"

"Of course."

"How long have you lived here in Edolas?"

"Ten years."

"Do you remember when you moved in?"

"Why yes I do. March 3rd of X791."

"So you can you remember the exact date of when you moved in?"

"I think I just proved that by answering your question."

"Interesting." Greige said with a pleased look in his eye. "Can you recall anything that happened ten years prior?"

"Certainly. Now let me see." He said after taking a moment to think. "Oh yes I remember chatting with some old acquaintances about an upcoming event."

"Again that's very interesting."

"Why all the questions?"

"It's for a project at school. Anyway do you-"

"Griege! Nasha!"

Both of the children turned pale with fear when the heard the angry voice of Elkis shout their names and they only became even paler when they saw her standing at the doorway of the drug store, her face as red as her hair due to her incredible rage.

"Oh...Hi Elkis." Nasha said nervously. "We thought your shift wouldn't end for another thirty-minutes."

"Mrs. Marvell decided to end my shift early after she noticed that my kids were gone." She seethed. "I told you two to stay at the diner which meant that neither one of you were supposed to move from that spot until I said otherwise!"

"It was all his idea!" Nasha said pointing Greige.

"I don't care! You went along with it! Do you two have any idea how scared I was when I saw that you two had left?! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Uh Miss Scarlet?" Gren politely interjected. "I don't mean to stick my nose into your business but you're kind of making a scene. I suggest that you leave and continue this at home. You know before you embarrass yourself."

Elkis took notice of some of the other customers staring at her and felt a little humiliated. She quickly and quietly ushered them out of the store and toward her car.

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