1 Prologue

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Yeji loved walking through the streets of a silent night. Passing by the college of their city, the lights still shining bright at midnight. 

The Idea of leaving her family in the isolated outskirts and move to study, was something Yeji always hoped of becoming a reality. But being just a fantasy; a part of a farytale for the rest of the world, made her dream thin and unreachable.

And still, some weren't left under those beliefs, some roamed the streets well aware that there was a whole different world living between the lines. Those humans that knew of her kinds existence made it their job to kill every last vampire on this earth. 

They were a hassle; moths, requiering a lot of attention and caution. The hunters.

Her being now old enough she had duties to fullfil, patrolling the city at any given hour was one of them. Chaeryeong accompanied her often, making the lonesome at least a little bearable. 

They both belonged to the moonshades. A cheesy name, well aware, but thousand year old tellings and the flow of power manifested it. And with time, tradition eventually bleeds into history.

"Yeji, wait!"

Chaeryeong was late to their friday patrol so the older decided to start alone, hoping for her friend to catch up.

Their vampire abilities made them faster and stronger, but even that didn't prevent the exhaustion, Chaeryeong stumbling to a stop. "Wait-t, please, ..just for a-a secon-nd. I ran the whole way from o-our house. I have great news." She calmed down and looked up with a big smile. Yeji automatically smiled back.

"What's up? Don't tell me you got another cake from your secret lover?" Yeji teased.

The redhead huffed unimpressed. "You know exactly that that cake was from my aunt! I ran all the way up here to be mocked... "She clicked her tongue. "I am not going to tell you now", Crossing her arms over her chest, Chaeryeong acted offended.

Yeji chuckled, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. She pulled Chaeryeong's hands into her own, sporting her best grin.

"Oh pretty please, tell me what made you run all the way here into my arms."

Chearyeong raised an eyebrow, letting Yeji swing their arms like a little girl. "You are so cheesy sometimes."

"Yeah, I know. So what's up?"

"I heard mom talking to your mom in our kitchen. I don't know how or why but they were talking about you, me and Yuna. They decided to let us go to college, knowing that you are now old enough to protect me and especially Yuna. The board was apparently against it but your mom convinced them...." Her face turned serious. "I wasn't able to catch everything... but your mom said something along the lines of "I always have an ace up my sleeve" ....so yeah, that's that."

She paused for dramatic effect.

"Can you believe that we are going to college?!!" The younger yelled into the void. Her voice resounding in the cold, silent night.

"I always thought that after the chaos 50 years ago the board would never allow vampires to go to college ever again, but maybe we are the second chance for our peers." Chaeryeong went on, rambling excited and gesturing wildly until she noticed no response from her older friend. Yeji was lost for words. If her mimic could give any impression, it was a mix of excitement and fear.

"Hey? Why am I getting no reaction?" Chaeryeong questioned, rocking Yeji back and forth to get her out of her daze.

"I-I'm sorry. I am so excited that we can finally do what we dreamed of for so long... I g-guess it's just a lot." She shook her head trying to get those thoughts out of her head before wrapping Chaeryeong into a tight hug.

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