18 You like to play with fire

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"That girl sounds lovely... what's her name?" Jinsoul asked watching how Yuna's face lit up, totally immersed in talking about the girl they had met. Yuna had started to explain to everyone who was willing to listen, what had happened at the dance studio. And it surely left a warm smile on the older's face.

Jinsoul had pulled out the chair next to Minnie and sat on it sideways, so that she could comfortably hold the younger girl in her arms. She could feel the redhead melting into her embrace, while still having her attention on the laptop.

"Her name is Ryujin, and she is friends with Lia... the girl Yeji is crushing on." Chaeryeong explained, teasing Yeji, who blushed lightly before hitting her friend.

"Wait Yeji is crushing on the dancer's friend?" Minnie asked, clearly having been listening to their conversation. "How did you meet that Lia girl?"

Yeji gave Chaeryeong another glare before looking back at the screen in her hand. "We met her the first day here, she saved us from an ugly fight with a douchebag and after that I met her again, she is precious and very funny" Yeji replied a smile forming on her lips.

"mhmm.." Minnie replied, still focused on the screen of her laptop. "So, I found a new article about this topic. As for the information I have there is one rebellion group that started taking up more place and vampires in the last decades, expanding by a lot. I also asked a friend of mine in the meantime that lives near you, and she told me that this rebellion had a significant dragon tattoo... So, what you found out actually adds up. She had heard rumors about their leader, a very sneaky and smart individual...the gender not clear... and that's pretty much all I got." She finished looking up from the laptop gazing at the camera of her phone.

Chaeryeong had taken out a textbook, writing notes ever since Minnie bombarded them with knowledge. She was barely keeping up and now personally happy that the older stopped talking, sighing out of satisfaction when the last sentence was written down.

Yeji was honestly surprised by all this historic background. It was a lot to take in, and a lot of new and helpful information. Asking Minnie about the topic appeared to be a really good idea, and she decided to later thank Chaeryeong for it.

"Thank you so much Min, we appreciate your efforts, and of course being able to see you again.... and you too Soulie." Yeji replied.

The named girls smiled, Minnie finally reciprocating Jinsoul's back hug, by wrapping her arms around the older's ones, that laid on her stomach.

"Do you need anything else?" Jinsoul asked, tilting her head lightly. She looked curiously at their faces waiting for answers.

"No, that's it thank you." Yeji answered, shaking her head.

Jinsoul nodded, warmth spreading through her smile. "If that is all... I sadly have to tell you goodbye. This little girl here had a very long day and it's probably not visible through the screen, but her body is almost falling into my embrace from tiredness...."

"Oh yeah we won't keep you up!" Yuna called, directly.

Minnied hummed snuggling further into Jinsoul, who was originally sitting beside her, but had pulled her chair behind Minnie to hug the redhead fully.

"Nice to see you all again, and I hope we can do this some time again when I am not that drained..." Minnie stated.


A day later Yuna was found on the couch with her computer on her lap. She decided to inform herself about everything revolving the college and their first semester in a little more than one week.

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