19 Nice to have met you, blondie

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Yeji was walking through the abandoned streets. It was a few days after her and Lia met up and she was happy to be out on the streets again. The vampire left Chaeryeong alone at home, knowing that Yuna went to the dance studio to practice on her own.

The black-haired girl was already out for quite some time, roaming around under the dark sky. She was far away from the busy streets. Here, everything was silent apart from some dogs barking, a party a few blocks away and the unforgiving wind.

Yeji was caught up in her own thoughts when a familiar scent infiltrated her nose. It was the hunter's scent and Yeji's eyes lit up in amusement. The vampire assumed that Lia could only be 100 feet away. She contemplated if it was a good idea to look and probably annoy the hunter or if she should just ignore the opportunity... but her dilemma was soon solved.

The vampire smiled before looking around and jumping on the nearest roof. From there she focused on Lia and trailed back the scent to a little house on her right. She put on the bandana, that her and the others decided to always carry around. Yeji's hair was a common black color, so she didn't care if Lia could see it and let her hair flow free over her shoulders.

Yeji arrived in front of the door and listened to any movements from inside. The house seemed abandoned, its door hanging in the doorframe, as if someone kicked it open forcefully. The lights were all out and Yeji could only hear one heartbeat, being almost sure it was her younger human friend.

After having separated at the end of the bus ride home, Yeji didn't see nor meet Lia. The thought of finally meeting the shorter again made her feel giddy and excitement washed over her face.

Yeji silently entered the house, walking along the hallway, trying to find Lia's presence. She halted in front of the second room, hearing silent shuffling coming from the inside. But it suddenly got silent, filling the place with nothing but tension.

Yeji slowly opened the door, looking around. She was directly met with a gun up her face and chuckled to herself. Before Lia could even pull the trigger, Yeji shoved the gun upwards making the bullet hit the ceiling above her.

She quickly grabbed the gun and smiled. "Next time try to be faster." She stated, her eyes shining in the dark. Her gaze met a slightly horrified expression, until the hunter realised who the not so stranger anymore was.

Lia could recognise that cocky eyebrow raise everywhere, and even though half of the latter's face was covered, the wide grin was visible through her teasing eyes. The hunter rolled her eyes at the comment and snatched her gun from Yeji's grasp, huffing annoyed.

"Why is it that I always meet you when I really don't want to?" She scoffed turning around and shifting her focus back to the office desk, whose drawers where wide open.

Yeji huffed amused. "Since when do you trust me in not killing you on the spot? ...Turning your back on me is dangerous, you know?" The vampire said and approached Lia, plopping herself on the desk, watching over the younger's actions.

Lia's attention still on whatever she was doing, she replied nonchalantly.

"Answering questions with another question, not very slick..." She turned her head and locked eyes with Yeji's curious ones. "...I guess I don't fear you. And I certainly don't fear the thought of you killing me." She sent the vampire a confident smirk.

"I believe that you would've killed me long ago, if you really wanted to. And I will hold unto that thought until you prove me otherwise." The shorter finished, staring into those cat eyes, hinting a threat under the lines.

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