32 One more werewolf won't make a difference

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At home Yeji had sat down on the couch only for a teddy bear to fall onto her seconds after.

Loud and heavy, making her head hit the back of the couch with a loud thud. Chaeryeong had purposely jumped on the latter, hugging her tightly while giggling into the crook of her neck.

Yeji instantly smiled, holding the younger tight in her embrace, falling back into the couch completely. Their legs were hanging awkwardly over the edge of the couch, until Yeji managed to prop hers on the little table in front of them, giving Chaeryeong the needed stability to adjust comfortably against Yeji's body. Sinking once more into the warmth of each other.

"I never knew you liked me that much." Yeji murmured against Chaeryeong's hair.

The latter hit her shoulder, not moving an inch.

"And I never knew that submitting was so tiring." She sighed.

Yeji smiled, combing Chaeryeong's hair. "I really hope that the first time is a lot more intense than the following ones... I really don't want to do this all over again with Yuna." She said teasingly.

"I heard that!" the youngest yelled out of her room.

Yeji laughed, proud to get the reaction she anticipated.

Chaeryeong giggled too, "Oh Yuna, don't be jealous."

Soon after the younger walked through the door, ready to fight them. But once she saw the two comfortably wrapped in each other's arms, she couldn't help but smile.

"I actually came to make fun of you and your neediness, but right now I am craving a hug, too." She said, sitting next to Yeji snuggling in between them.

Yeji laughed. "And you don't even need it."

"No." Yuna answered. "But I want it." Yeji kissed her forehead, unable to reach any other place. The younger's face covered in red and black hair.

"Same." Yeji replied. At that Chaeryeong perked up, leaving her position to stare at the older. A judging expression written all over her face.

Yeji smiled, her eyes forming into crescents. "I meant that I would want them too,...with or without the bond shifting.."

Not quite satisfied with the answer, Chaeryeong kept her stank eye on her.

Yeji broke into a nervous wiggle. "You know that I crave for your touch just as much as you do!" She stated, throwing her arms up dramatically.

Chaeryeong giggled. "I just wanted to hear it." She quipped before moving back to her previous position.

Yuna snickered in the corner. "Chaeryeong has you wrapped around her finger, Yeji."

Yeji smiled wholeheartedly. "I wouldn't have it any other way. "


"You asked for it, Yuna. We all know Yeji is a romantic." Chaeryeong chuckled.

"I would rather call it charming..." Yeji countered.



"What happened with you and Minjeong?" Yeji asked after a while, remembering their previous talk on the campus.

And so Chaeryeong took her time to explain everything that had happened in detail. She told them how Minjeong's request shouldn't be a big problem for them, until Yeji spoke up.

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