4 New circumstances

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Chaeryeong opened the door and walked over to Yuna. The younger was still sitting on the ground with her back against the wall and her knees hugging her chest.

"Yuna, I brought medical ointment and my lovely lips to treat your chest. It's still gonna leave a bruise but it will at least help." She said, walking over to the younger girl and sitting down on the ground facing her.

Vampires have magical saliva, therefore, kissing injuries would make them heal faster. And because of its obvious benefits,  kissing friends on their wounds and bruises was not only socially accepted, it was expected. Good natured friends should always help each other. 

Yuna looked up at her with a smudged face. Her face was still tear stained and her makeup was totally ruined. She pouted at the sight of a warm smile.

"It hurts Chaery. It hurts so much." She exclaimed, crying again.

"I know my little baby.. but it's gonna be okay, I promise." She pulled the younger girl into her arms rocking both of them to calm Yuna.

"Look, I know this sounds bad, but punishing someone is based on pain. She didn't break anything so the pain isn't long-lasting." Chaeryeong cooed.

"But why-y did she-e do it... I... was so scared-d of her tha-at I flinched when she-e tried to..to help me up-p." Yuna rambled still not fully comprehending what had happened. Yeji was throwing to much information at her and the pain definitely did not help.

"Okay, what about this. You are going to take of your sweater and I will treat the bruise... When we are done, I will explain everything again... Is that okay for you ?" Chaeryeong asked smiling at her friend. She didn't like seeing her like this. And thinking about Yeji, who at this point probably was crying alone in her room, made her stomach turn upside down.

Yuna nodded and pulled her sweater over her head. Chaeryeong looked at her friend who now was sitting only in her bra. She grinned wide, getting a confused expression in return.

"Am I allowed to kiss your chest Yuna?" She asked, wiggling her brows.

Yuna huffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Chaeryeong stop... You kissed me often enough and it's not like we are making out." She said chuckling lightly.

"Oh okay... but I would like that to be honest." Chaeryeong retorted, winking at Yuna.

Yuna was perplexed, a small blush appearing on her face.

"Please stop Chaery and hurry up, I am freezing." Yuna pouted at her friend covering her chest shaking.

Chaeryeong laughed at that and nodded. She wasn't being serious but teasing her friend was to funny to resist. And she was glad that it seemed to distract Yuna, even if it would be only for a small period of time.

"Yeah of course... but you need to take your hands away, I can't work like this."

Yuna rolled her eyes and took her hands from her now exposed chest, putting them in the pocket of Chaeryeong's hoodie. The older snickered "That works too."

She kissed every inch of Yuna's bruised skin. First it was awkward for both of them but Chaeryeong tried to focus on her task, while Yuna fidgeted with Chaeryeong's hoodie, distracting herself. The redhead knew that technically there was skin under Yuna's bra needing kisses too, but she purposely decided against it. For obvious reasons.

What Yuna didn't realise was that Chaeryeong had put on bright red lipstick for... well no important reason other than entertainment.

Yuna's chest was already red but now she had lipstick stains all over it and that definitely looked suspicious, if someone didn't know the story behind it.

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