5 Now let me kiss you

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"Yeji, can I come in?" Chaeryeong asked knocking on the door.

She didn't get an answer and sighed. "You know that I am just going to kick the door open if you don't let me in.... I am not going anywhere."

She heard shuffling and after a few seconds the door opened with a tear stained Yeji, holding the doorknob. She had cutts on her neck and collarbone, water drops smeered across her collarbone, her face damp. It seemed like she tried to wash herself right before Chaeryeong came.

Chaeryeong opened her arms inviting Yeji, who directly took the offer. "I am so sorry, Chaer." She said melting into the hug and sniffled.

"It's s okay lightfurry, let's sit down." The redhead answered teasingly.

"Will you ever stop calling me that?" Yeji asked and pouted.

"Nope, never."

Chaeryeong picked Yeji up, who gave in and put her legs around the younger's waist. The redhead turned around, closed the door and walked to the bed, putting Yeji down.

She reached for Yeji's phone. "Yuna is asleep we can turn off the music now." Chaeryeong explained and stopped the song that was playing.

The younger looked at her friend and smiled warm. "It's okay, Yeji. You did it for a reason, and even though I am not quite happy about it, I understand. We both know that we carry the responsibility for our youngest, and I am glad you are older and more experienced than me... I wouldn't know how to handle this without you."

Yeji didn't say a word. She just listened, trying to convince herself that Chaeryeong was right.

"I talked to Yuna and I think she accepted it, too. Just give her some time and it's gonna be alright."

Yeji looked at the ground and nodded. "Thank you Chaer. For everything. "

"Always Yeji, you are my best friend, and that for a long time. I know you wouldn't hurt me or Yuna even if your life depended on it." Chaeryeong explained, looking at her friend.

She held her chin and made the older look up. "Now let me kiss your wounds." Chaeryeong stated firmly, dismissing any objection.

"Yeah okay, but I will kiss yours, too." Yeji answered, returning the strong gaze with a rather vulnerable one.

Chaeryeong smiled and started to kiss the cutts on her neck and collarbone. Yeji melted into the kisses. She was used being kissed by Chaeryeong and liked it.

It felt nice, not in a romantic way but rather in a way of showing love and affection to the people that shared her heart. Kissing in the vampire world was seen differently than in the human world.

"Wow, I must be a good kisser to always get these reactions from you." Chaeryeong chuckled and grinned looking at her friend, who rolled her eyes.

"Oh, please, you know that you are a good kisser, I don't need to tell you that." Yeji huffed playfully. Chaeryeong laughed at the comeback.

"Do you have any other cutts?" She asked worried.

"Just some on my right forearm, but none other than that."

Chaeryeong nodded, taking her arm and pulling its t-shirt sleeve up. She looked at three cutts and kissed each of them. Her lipstick was even after so many kisses still easily recognisable on Yeji's arm.

The vampire had been busy playing on her phone, however, seeing a devilish smirk appearing on her younger friend confused her. Chaeryeong only pointed at her forearm, waiting for a reaction.

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