15 Lead the way

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Yeji woke up the next day and started to train on the second floor of their home. They had taken everything unnecessary out, and now there was enough place in the empty, new renovated living room to train properly.

She was doing some pull-ups, when cold hands traced her exposed stomach.

"Chaer!" She yelled, flinching.

The older jumped down and found her friend in training clothes.

"You maybe want to spar a little?" Chaeryeong asked and threw a long wooden stick to the older.

Yeji caught it, not having the energy for that right now. She was out of breath and needed at least 5 mins. "Don't you have a wounded shoulder, lady?

Chaeryeong rolled her eyes. "Yes, I did yesterday. But it healed fast, and I don't feel pain anymore."

Yeji only looked at her, sceptic covering her face. She didn't believe that statement but refrained herself from upsetting her friend. "Well okay then let's train a little bit... after my small break."

Chaeryeong nodded at that and started doing crunches, while Yeji sat next to her, fiddling with her hands.

"What's on your mind?" Chaeryeong asked, not shifting her focus from the reps.

The older sighed audible "I am just curious about this rageclaw clan, and the fire dragon Yuna was talking about...." She answered, her gaze fixed on the wall behind Chaeryeong.

"You already thought about asking Minnie?" the younger questioned, finishing her crunches and stretching herself.

"I am not sure if she has time right now... and I don't want to bother her." Yeji replied timid.

"There is nothing wrong with simply asking....and she is your cousin, I don't think that you are a bother to her, Yeji." Chaeryeong answered, turning to her friend.

Minnie was a very smart vampire, that studied about all different kinds of clans and species. She had great knowledge that could help the trio a lot. And Chaeryeong missed the older woman a lot. It's been a while since they saw the older, Minnie being always abroad doing historical lectures for international universities.

The younger smiled at the visible frown displaying on Yeji's face. "Just ask her, I am sure she is happy to help.... You can maybe call her later? I can join you and I am sure that Yuna would love to see Minnie again, through a screen or in person..." Chaeryeong added, picking up her own two short sticks.

"And now attack me old woman." She challenged, playfully.

Yeji chuckled amused. "You are only 8 years younger than me... " She stood up and took the wooden stick from the floor.

"And you never won against me..." She added and winked at the redhead, before charging at her.

They sparred a little, Yeji focusing on restraining her strength, not wanting to hit her friend on the shoulder. Soon realising that Yeji wasn't giving her all, Chaeryeong got frustrated.

"I'm fine." She stated through gritted teeth, while blocking an attack on her left.

"No, you are not. And I am still training with you so don't complain." Yeji argued back, hitting her leg. Chaeryeong hissed, attacking Yeji on her left side and trying to hit her knee.

The latter jumped away before Chaeryeong's leg could reach her. "Chaer, don't let your frustration cloud your fighting style." She spoke.

The younger sighed and stopped. "Yeah, I know... sorry." She replied looking down.

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