12 If I wanted to see you dead

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PS: Again, the tattoo is a little bit smaller and simpler, but I think this one is really pretty ^_^ However, you can imagine whatever you want!

"Really?! You want me to come?" Chaeryeong answered directly. She was still on the second floor and almost done checking up the hallway. She was hearing the noises too and was ready to help her friend if needed.

"No its fine, just finish up and then come down here." Yeji replied and sighed. She still wasn't sure if she wanted to enter the room, when suddenly a door was kicked open.

Yeji heard Lia gasping slightly as a new person walked into the room. Yeji couldn't see anything, but she assumed that this room had two doors on opposite sides.

"I will kill you! You little bitch!" The intruder yelled. He attacked Lia and Yeji heard bodies rolling on the ground. She heard nail scratching and loud grunting, realising that she wanted to interfere, not caring of the consequences.

She heard failed gunshots and struggling noises from the hunter.

Normally Yeji never cared about others. She would never put herself or her teammates into a dangerous position for someone else. But this situation somehow was different. She couldn't believe her own eyes when she started to fix her bandana and cap. Huffing on last time on this reckless decision, the vampire opened the door carefully to stay unheard.

She found Lia and the attacking vampire fighting on the far left of the room, and it seemed like Lia was in a disadvantage. She was pushed against the wall, two big hands on her neck.

Yeji reacted fast, her whole body heating up before sprinting to the attacker and pushing him off. She punched him in his stomach and kicked his feet of the ground, making him fall on the dirty ground. The vampire swiftly stood back up fast, growling loud. His eyes were raging, dark red, filled with anger and chaos.

The black-haired girl was a new enemy and so he directly attacked Yeji. He punched her hard on the shoulder, digging his nails into her flesh. She scratched him in his face making his jaw bleed. After Yeji kicked the guy hard on his knee, making him stumble back, she targeted his jaw with a fast upper cut. The vampire hissed out of anger and pain.

He got a hold on himself and ran to the masked attacker, ready to let his fangs and nails sink into her when a second gunshot filled the room. Lia had shot him from behind Yeji, aiming on his heart. His expression changed drastically before losing all will over his body and falling on the ground.

Yeji stood still, not really knowing what to do now. Lia was again behind her, probably with Yeji at gunpoint. The vampire slowly put her hands up in the air, trying to signal that she isn't a threat

"Who do you think you are?" Lia asked mad. She hadn't recognise the newcomer and was already frustrated on a new enemy. She had already fought enough vampires that day, slowly growing tired.

"... someone that helps..? Well, at least I was trying to help you... but seems like I am again the one ending up in a near death situation." Yeji answered slowly turning around. The vampire let her eyes go back to their normal color, her nails retracting too. She wanted to appear as harmless as possible, and she knew that if Lia wanted to kill her, she would have already been dead.

The shorter girl had the time and the chance for it, but she didn't kill Yeji yet and that should mean something. Anything.

Lia only raised her brows, connecting the dots. "You are the girl that we met yesterday? Are you following me?" She asked glaring at the stranger before her.

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