10 I can't help but worry

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The next morning Lia woke up late joining Ryujin in their kitchen.

"Good morning, Ryu." Lia mumbled and sat down beside the younger on the table.

"Morning Here, I made you coffee." Ryujin answered.

Lia thanked her, receiving the coffee. "Does your back still hurt?" The steem and the warmth of the cup warming up her hands.

"No, nothing bad, it's just a small bruise from the fall." Ryujin replied, smiling warm at her friend. She was thankful that Lia always asked how she was feeling and that she took great care of her.

Lia hummed at that, falling into her own thoughts. The younger looked at her, tilting her head a little bit. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking about yesterday." Lia answered, taking a sip from the coffee.

"I don't know why, but it left me uneasy. First how the woman had said something about one of her own and a fighter together.... and the way she reacted when Yeji was talking to her....also let's not forget about the whole situation with the unknown vampire. I hope she got home safely... because if she didn't...." Lia rambled, letting her thoughts run free.

"Hey Jinnie, look at me." Ryujin called out. "A lot about yesterday doesn't add up, but we both know that you shot her for a reason. We normally get always attacked and answer by killing. But she was different, and I realised that, too. Even if she genuinely just wanted to help, .. we could have never known that." Ryujin concluded, rubbing Lia's shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, you are right." Lia mumbled nodding her head.

"It's a shame that we didn't get that woman to talk. She could have given us useful information." Ryujin sighed.

"Well, we didn't and still don't know if she even was a rageclaw... I didn't see the tattoo on her or on the shadow girl." Lia stated

Ryujin looked at her confused. "Shadow girl?"

"She came out of nowhere and didn't show her face. We have no clue on how she looks like, the only thing we know is that she is relatively young and a girl." Lia explained. "And shadow girl sounds fitting." She added, a shrug to her shoulder.

Ryujin smiled amused. "Well okay, miss detective. Shadow girl it is, I guess." She chuckled. The hunter stood up and walked to the oven. "Do you want the cake leftovers?"

"Please." Lia answered with puppy eyes.

"Yeah yeah." Ryujin mocked, rolling her eyes. Nevertheless taking the cake with her.

"Thank you." Lia said displaying her famous smile. Ryujin smiled right back, although overly sweet. "You're welcome, baby."

Lia glared at her, hitting the younger's shoulder, who had sat down next to her.

A then.

"Do you want to tell me what you did with Yeji for so long?" Ryujin asked changing the topic and facing the older now fully, a suggestive grin on her face.

Lia decided to ignore that completely. So instead she drank more of her coffee before answering.

"I found her drawing the fountain next to the café and joined her. She told me that she and her friends would start college in two weeks at our college, and that she majors art." Lia started, sensing an unconscious smile growing on her face.

Ryujin couldn't help but smile back.

"She is 22, like me but her and her friend Chaeryeong traveled for the last years and are joining now their youngest friend Yuna, who just finished highschool..... I showed her around this part of the city, and we walked to the park and later to the library. She bought me waffles and told me about their trip to Brazil, while we were sitting on a bench, stargazing and all... But then, that mean lady decided to interrupt the warm atmosphere." Lia narrated with a pout at the last sentence.

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