23 As long as we don't get caught

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The next day Yeji woke up with a huge headache. She had slept very bad, thinking about her miserable situation, recking her brain for a solution.

She needed somebody to talk to and normally she would ask one of her vampire friends. But all options, from Jinsoul to Chaeyeon, seemed inappropriate. Telling them would mean that she had accepted no other option to exist. And although later on, Yeji would finally understand that there truly was no other option then to confront her two younger friends, right at this moment, lying anxiously in her bed, Yeji couldn't find the courage to look past the fear of rejection.

After some time, she decided that maybe a certain brunette hunter could help her. Maybe not the way she really needed, but Yeji was certain that Lia would make her happy either way.

Now sitting comfortably alone on a bench, Yeji watched people infront of her on the grass, chatting and enjoying the warm sun above them.

"It's a beautiful day, don't you think so?"

Yeji immediately recognised the voice, a small smile escaping her lips when the not-so-stranger-anymore made herself comfortable next to Yeji on the bench.

Feeling the younger interlacing their hands together, Yeji answered.

"Yeah, the sun is shining bright."

The vampire didn't even try to hide her downcast mood, she saw no reason to act as if she was fine infront of the hunter.

"You seem troubled.." Lia stated, feeling Yeji sigh heavily.

"You are right. I am troubled." The latter answered, putting her head on Lia's shoulder, and letting the latter's perfume consume her mind.

The hunter caressed Yeji's hair affectionately, a little stunned by the action of the black haired girl next to her.

"Did you ask me to come so suddenly because you needed my help?" Lia asked curiously. No judgment or expectation lacing her voice.

"I don't think you can help me, to be honest. But I was sure that your presence would be totally enough...." She kissed the other's cheek. "And I was right."

Lia giggled, kissing Yeji's head in return. "Well maybe you can try and we can see how it goes?" She suggested, turning her head, waiting patiently for Yeji to return the eyecontact. And the latter did, slowly sitting up to face the warm expression on Lia's face.

Yeji looked at brown with curiousity filled orbs, knowing that even if she wanted to tell Lia, it was too complex and foreign for the hunter to understand. But she gave it a shot anyway, not wanting to make Lia feel left out or not worthy enough.

"I started having problems with a friend of mine these last few days. And I just feel bad, and-and guilty, because I know that what I am doing is hurting her,..... I can't explain it, it's like I know that it's wrong but I am trying to protect her from something that is even worse, which of course she doesn't know about." Yeji rambled, falling over her own words.

"I am not sure if that made any sense.." She added embarrassed.

Lia tilted her head, feeling the urge to know who Yeji was talking about. But she knew better than to be noisy, and instead decided to help the best she could. That's what she's here for after all.

"She doesn't know what?"

"She doesn't know that the reason of my behaviour is because I don't want something to happen that would be worse."

"Worse?... How?"

Yeji stared at their intertwined hands between them and spoke. "Well, it's like you are keeping a secret from someone, because you are afraid of their reaction. I don't know what would happen if I told her the truth"

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