13 they will find us just because of you

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Chaeryeong inspected the two girls infront of her. They seemed just as irritated as her and Yeji were. This kind of encounter wasn't normal, usually you had your partners and your enemies. There wasn't time to decide if someone was trustable or not. And there definitely weren't vampires that purposely covered their fangs.

The sun was almost fully gone, leaving broad shadows and a darker getting atmosphere behind. And even though Ryujin and Lia were trained to fight in the dark, a starless night sky, locked up in a small room, left them with a lot of room to guess and solely trust on instinct.

"So what? You are coming with us?" Chaeryeong asked, her voice a little gentler this time.

Lia and Ryujin locked eyes. Ryujin wasn't sure about any of this. But she saw a hint of hope in the brunette's eyes and knew that it would probably be the best to just go with it. They should never underestimate vampires and especially not these two in front of them.

"Go ahead." The ash-brown haired girl answered turning to them and putting her gun into her holster as sign of trust. Not trusting them at all.

Yeji averted her gaze to the redhead and asked. "The puppy signaled south, right?"

The girl only nodded and distanced herself from Yeji. Reaching the broken door, she turned around and motioned for the others to follow. "Come on, we got to hurry." She said, lowering her tone.

Ryujin rolled her eyes but swiftly followed. Regarding the bandanas on both vampires, she was just as confused as Lia.

She couldn't recognise any facial features and the slightly shorter one of them annoyed her.

"The cap is the one we met yesterday." Lia whispered to her, while they were following the two vampires in front of them.

Ryujin hummed and gazed at Yeji's leg. "The shot seems to have healt fast."

"Yeah, thanks for that actually." Yeji remarked ironically. Trying to push the thought of almost dying yesterday far into the back of her mind.

"That bullet was painful to get out." Chaeryeong stated turning around, locking eyes with Ryujin.

Lia could cut the tension with a knife. She knew how hot headed her friend was, and they didn't need to provoke the vampires right now.

"Why are we even in danger?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"Our friend signaled a new group of people coming our way. They are coming south and that's why we are walking into the opposite direction." Yeji explained.

"... I can already hear at least five people approaching the big front doors of this warehouse." Chaeryeong added faintly.

They reached the end of the hallway, the wide hall room opening up in front of them. Yeji stayed in the shadow of the hallway, everyone halting behind her, and started to search for a way to walk through it, without being caught in the middle of it. The vampire looked up and found metal beams over their heads that were crosslinked and hopefully thick enough to cover them. The vampire was already calculating a precise jump, when Chaeryeong stopped her.

"We can go up there, but these humans can't." She argued.

Yeji realised that this was going to be a lot harder, than expected. She sighed audible.

"Well sorry for not being killer beasts." Ryujin remarked, hissing.

Chaeryeong only looked at her, trying to control her anger. "Says the one with a silver gun, wanting to kill us just a few minutes ago. And let's not forget two dead bodies laying around in that room. They were killed by your precious friend." She finished and huffed. Helping them was a waste of time.

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