9 Maybe there are good ones

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Yeji was on her way back home. The silver bullet slowing her down a lot and being new to the city, she took longer than expected. Once she found her way back to the library someone called her.

Hey Yeji, where are you? How did your little mission go? Chaeryeong was on the other side of the call, Yuna beside her.

"I am at the library. I-I got shot.... but it's fine now."

What do you mean it's fine now? Who shot you? Weren't you following a drunk vampire...?

"Yeah, yeah I was. But the situation did a 180 and I got shot. Could-d you please come my way. I am not feeling well and have the fear of passing out. I-I am losing to-o much b-.... blood". Yeji answered limping to a bench and sitting down.

Of course. Send me the address and I will be there in maximal 5 minutes. Please stay conscious. See you in a minute! Chaeryeong hurriedly hang up the phone to meet her friend.

Yeji started counting the trees and streetlamps around her to kill the time. She was so focused on trying not to blackout that a speed running Chaeryeong gave her a heart attack. She got a fright and was shocked by the sudden movement.

"Please don't sneak up on me like that!" Yeji exclaimed, holding her chest.

"I am sorry, now stand up and let me carry you home." Chaeryeong said holding her arms out.

Yeji tried to stand up on her own but failed. Instead, she held out her hands, waiting for Chaeryeong to carry her. The redhead smiled amused, turning around, letting Yeji hop onto her back.

Once comfortable, she walked fast and jumped onto the first apartment complex that came into view, running as fast as possible home. After some time, she arrived at their house door and wanted to open it when the door flew open showing a worried Yuna.

"Come in quickly." Yuna said and closed the door behind them. Chaeryeong directly went into the bathroom and put Yeji into their bathtub. Yeji had fainted on the way back home, being too exhausted.

Chaeryeong knew that she needed blood right now and taking the bullet out in that state would be too risky.

"Yeji, Yeji wake up!" She called out, shaking her friend and when that didn't help, she slapped her face.

"Ouch!" Yeji breathed out, looking around, at first irritated by her new surroundings.

"Yeji, you need to drink from me" Chaeryeong insisted and sat down next to Yeji in the bathtub. She pulled her near and exposed her neck.

Yeji shook her head "No I-I don't need-d that."

"Yes, you do and don't try to fight with me. You need blood and animal blood won't help you like mine. I won't take your bullet out before you drink, so hurry up please." Chaeryeong answered firm.

Yeji just nodded faintly and let her fangs out to pierce Chaeryeong's skin and drink from her.

At some point Yuna came in with disinfection and a first aid.

"Thank you, Yuna. " Chaeryeong said and added something. "Could you please go out and find out if the blood smell is traceable? We don't need vampires running around and locating us."

"Yes, of course." Yuna replied, closing the door and leaving their house.

Yeji drank slow sips until she was sure that it was enough. She was hungry but she didn't want to take more blood from Chaeryeong than needed. She let go of her neck and mumbled a thank you.

"Okay, now I need you to take of your pants. I have to know where the bullet exactly is, because if It had shot through, you wouldn't be in this condition." Chaeryeong said helping Yeji to take off her pants.

Eyes red like rosesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें