3 Why would you?

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Arriving at home, Yeji walked straight into the living room.

Their house consisted of two floors. The first one arranged as a normal appartment and the second designed for different purposes. They still had to move and unpack a lot of things, but for now it looked desent.

"You see these boxes?" Yeji pointed at three big moving boxes in the middle of the living room.

"They have different stuff in them for this room and we are each going to unpack one." She walked over to them, expecting that Yuna and Chaeryeong were following.

"We are vampires and the stuff is mostly decoration and a few couches still in pieces. I will work on the couches and you two take the rest. If everyone is careful and uses their speed only if needed we could be done in 20 minutes." She looked at them waiting for an answer.

She wanted to get it done as fast as possible, knowing that this night will be long and bumpy.

"Yeah, okay. Just give us a few seconds to change into something comfortable and we will start." Chaeryeong said. They had arrived after being away for a long time and she really needed to go to the bathroom.

Having changed into sweats they started working on the furniture and were faster finished than expected. Chaeryeong tried to lighten up the mood and sometimes they had short conversations, but for most of the time the room was filled in silence.

Yuna finished throwing away the moving boxes and sat down on the couch in the corner of the room. She was facing her older friends sitting on a bigger couch, a wooden table between them.

She looked at Yeji knowing that they had to talk about this. "Hey, I'm sorry for almost losing control. I was reckless and not thinking rationally." She started, unsure if that was what Yeji wanted to hear.

"Look Yuna, you barely started your puberty so this feeling is new, but you can't make mistakes like this. Your fangs were out and if anyone truly saw them, we are in deep shit." Yeji said straight forward and looked at the younger infront of her. Disappointment and frustration written all over her face.

"It's not only that you couldn't just apologize and dissolve the problem, but you also ignored my words. I told you repeatedly to snap out of it, but it felt like I was talking to noone." She stated, raising her voice a little bit at the end of the sentence.

Chaeryeong just sat there, not saying anything. This was bad, really bad. Yeji was the oldest and now that they were far away from their clan she was responsible for them all. Dismissing her words especially in a situation like that wasn't something you should do. Chaeryeong knew that too well.

"I-I know that I should've listened to you. You were trying to get me out of it but I was not having it and that was wrong. I really am sorry." Yuna said. Certainly, she was not happy being talked to so harshly but she didn't dare to mention it.

Yeji glared at the younger. "You know apologizing now won't do anything if this happens again. You were ready to jump on that stupid guy for something that was clearly not worth it."

The oldest knew Yuna was on edge but she had to know how long it would take for her to lose control again. She needed to show Yuna what happened to the people around her if she let her anger control her actions, letting her vampire side out without thinking clearly, and sadly this was the only way.

"If that girl didn't step in I would have hit you unconsious. And don't think I am joking." She stated. 

"I didn't want to do that, still don't ... that's why I hesitated, hoping it wouldn't be neccessary.... until it was almost too late. Not that it would get less attention from the humans around, but it would've been better than your nails ripping him apart." She said still looking at Yuna, waiting for some kind of reaction.

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