21 Paint me

249 21 10

Yeji got invited to Lia's home today. She was happy and giddy all day and even though this would sound very rude... her happiness had been so consistent because both Chaeryeong and Yuna had left very early and the oldest had had the apartment for herself the whole morning.

The black-haired girl had problems staying in control when she was around her friends, her guilt and anger ate her up. She had the need to attack them all the time and even though she was doing her best to keep her rage in control the three friends were suffering from it.

The real reason for Yeji's problem was actually quite simple. She wanted to be their leader. They were already so far away from a superior person and being alone with two vampires that are under her in the hierarchy made her inner instincts act up. She wanted to become their leader so bad... it ached in her chest.

However, becoming their leader meant having to make first Chaeryeong and then Yuna submit to her... and she didn't want to just ask them to do it. Not because she was shy or embarrassed, furthermore, she was scared by the possibility that they would refuse. If they didn't want to acknowledge her as their leader... she had to punish them; practically forcefully making them submit. Though she certainly didn't want to... no not at all.

So Yeji hid the problem, trying to resist the urge to take what's supposedly hers, that's at least what the voice in her head told her. She was refusing vampire nature what was the cause of the frequently strong mood shifts.

Yeji was in a dilemma that had no clear solution, and it frustrated her more than anything else. The black-haired girl knew that the damage was already caused. Her friends probably hated her by now, but Yeji was fine with that as long as she didn't have to hurt them again.


Though, now wasn't the time to think about that. She pushed all her personal problems away, making her way to the shorter girls home.

It didn't take long and now Yeji stood in front of Lia's apartment door. She was fidgeting with her fingers, contemplating if she was too early and if this really was the right door.

Yeji finally brought up the courage and knocked on the door. She heard shuffling from inside and Lia's voice.

The door opened seconds later revealing a bright smile and an even more beautiful girl.

"Hey Lia..." Yeji said, tilting her head and smiling wide.

"Hi, Yeji, come inside. " Lia greeted, opening the door fully and making way for Yeji to walk inside.

"Did you have problems arriving?"

"No, not at all. It's a little away from our house but I enjoyed the walk here." Yeji answered, taking of her shoes and putting her coat away.

She looked up at a smiling Lia and could feel butterflies all around her stomach. After the art gallery the two of them haven't met up alone. It was always someone else accompanying them... mostly Chaeryeong because she had feared that Yeji would snap at the hunter. Yeji didn't know the redhead's true intentions at first, but eventually she figured it out, making sure that Chaeryeong knew nothing would happen. Because as the younger had already realised, the problem laid within the vampire trio.

"So, what do you have in mind, Lia?" Yeji asked, standing up and giving the shorter a cocky smile.

"I had the perfect idea of making muffins." Lia exclaimed excited, too excited to notice Yeji's anxious gaze that directly shifted back to a tender smile.

The black-haired girl can cook, she made dishes for her two friends often enough... but baking with Lia meant that she had to taste the muffins at some point.

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