40 you are just jealous, shorty

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"Chaeryeong, please." Yeji pleaded, a hand on her temple.

Yuna comes first.

And Chaeryeong knew that, wasn't stupid, but Minjeong was right in front of her and it felt soooo good to just fight her instead. 

That's also exactly why she decided to push her against the wall and start the quarrel. But it didn't really satisfy her, not even the claw marks decorating the wolf's skin. Chaeryeong let her gaze stray from the blood lining to stare at Minjeong. She stared and stared, and maybe even glared at the curious look in the latter's eyes.

However, the way Yeji looked at her told her that this wasn't the time. Now was the time to act like mature vampires whose friend just got abducted. 

And so she sighed, defeated. Letting her body relax, she could clearly feel the effects of the drug still in her system. Muscles loosening, her energy dissipating with her will to fight. The weight of exhaustion resurfaced to wring her out. She let her limbs fall against the wall.

"Go, get her back." She stated, closing her eyes momentarily. 

Yeji shook her head. "I won't leave you here."

The redhead returned Yeji's stern gaze. "Yeji, I am no use in this state."

Minjeong furrowed her brows, only know really looking at Chaeryeong. And if it wasn't for her slumped posture and heavy breathing, than the exhaustion all over her face and the beads of sweat on her temple were all the indications she had needed.

But before Minjeong could realise, she was using her gift to further inspect the vampire by her scent. A frown adorning her face in distaste once she caught something looming around the redhead's figure.

"Drugs?" She called, a furious look in her eyes.

Chaeryeong couldn't understand the heaviness in Minjeong's eyes, didn't want to further read into the anger that seemed to ooze out of her now. Instead she nodded firmly, turning her gaze back to Yeji. 

"I can't fight properly and the longer you wait, the longer they will have Yuna in their custody...."

Minjeong gulped down the protest that wanted to bubble out of her. There was a sharp pain in her chest. Discomfort cursing through her body.

 Guilt, because she was part of the problem, no matter how she would twist it. And sadness by the way Chaeryeong had portrayed her friends as dangerous. But Minjeong couldn't blame her, ten years could change people and the fact that they had ambushed two vampires in their own home made it worse.

Nevertheless, the words left her mouth before she could gather her thoughts properly. "They wouldn't do anything to her.... they only want me.."

It was silent after, Minjeong feeling Yeji's stare in her peripheral. But all she could focus on was Chaeryeong.

The redhead, was staring at her just as menacingly as before. But Minjeong didn't flinch this time by the sheer force of  anger and madness clouding the vampire. Watching instead how it slowly uncovered a hint of reluctance,...... and maybe even a spark of betrayal.

"Why didn't you leave?" Chaeryeong questioned, pursing her lips. She felt the need to voice out what was occupying her mind for so long now.

Why did you let us get dragged into this mess.

Minjeong lowered her head, the floor suddenly much more interesting. Truthfully she didn't know what it exactly was that had left her in this city. 

Maybe because she had build a home here, had found her friends.

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