29.II You can have your way

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Somewhere unknown, far away from human eyes.

"We have a deal?" She asked into the room. Voice unwavering.

They didn't come this far to let anything get in their way.

The other two were strategically positioned in the corners of the room.

They were outnumbered, but they should never be underestimated.

"Yes. You can have your way, and we get the promised blood."

She nodded, a simple movement of the head.

He slowly approached her, a lazy grin glooming over her. He was taller, older, almost twice as heavy, but she wasn't intimated.

She had lived with someone much scarier, this was nothing.


The two shadows started moving again, all vampires in the room turning to watch them meet her in the middle.

It looked ironic. Three women making all these men still and anticipate. And rightfully so.

The unfamiliar figures were wearing black coats, a hood hanging deep over their faces. Their eyes barely visible, lips a stark red.

"We are done here. See you soon." A lazy smirk framed her lips.

Not waiting for any reaction she turned around, her two shadows just one moment behind.

They walked through the door, back turned towards the vampires that were surely still observing them intently, waiting patiently for a slip-up. Any sign of fear, an opening to attack them.

It never came.

Far away, already out of the vampires premises, she felt a light nudge against her left shoulder.

"Went better than expected, don't you think so?" The younger murmured, she could hear her smiling.

"Let's just hope that they will keep their promise." The other on her right countered.

"They will, they have to." She exclaimed.

"Mhmmm." The one on her left hummed. "Would be a lot more exciting if they didn't, though." Her tone was chirpy, maybe even childish.

"You just want to go on a killing spree again.. get it together." The deeper voice huffed, no real bite behind her words.

"Yes, and?  don't act as if you aren't bored too..... we waited long enough, I am getting impatient...."

"We took our time for a good reason, now be quiet."

She felt a small smile form on her lips, her company was as entertaining as ever. 

"Shut up, you idiots. They can still hear us."

The one on her right laughed, laying a hand on her shoulder, squeezing the muscle there in a comforting matter.

"Darling, we know."

-- --

Lia wouldn't be able to explain herself even if she tried to, she had no better than to just hope Ryujin would stay longer at the library.

Because, well, it all had started with Yeji calling her, saying that she would come over.

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