2 Whatever it is, it can be fixed

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Two weeks had passed and the girls finally moved all their stuff to a two-floor-house. It was in a fairly more quiet quarter of the new city.

"Ughh, I am so tired. We were packing, moving and unpacking for the last two weeks without pauses. Can we have a small break and maybe check out the area? I saw a café on the way here and some kind of shopping hall a few blocks from here.", Yuna asked sitting down on a moving box belonging to the living room. She looked at Yeji who was working in the open kitchen.

"Yuna, do you see this mess ? I want a break as much as you do, but we can't leave our new home in chaos only for you to go shopping." Yeji retorded amused.

"Oh, come on. You can't expect from me to have the energy to work right now. I need a little break and I am sure that Chaery loves the idea, too. Right, Chaery ?"

Right in that moment, Chaeryeong came out of her room with her purse, as if the decision was already made.

"Yep, Yuna is right. We are going out. No discussion." She looked at her older friend with a big threatening smile. "Yeji, let us have some fun for awhile. College starts in two weeks, we have enough time to tidy up the appartment."

Chaeryeong was right, Yeji knew that. She looked at her and back at Yuna, giving up.

"Fine let's go, but we are back in 3 hours." Yeji sighed. "And what do you even want to do ? You now we can't drink or eat anything, we are vampires after all." She looked at them and raised an eyebrow.

"Correction. You can't drink and eat. I am a half vampire and Chaery is Chaery, you are the only one of us who can't enjoy food." Yuna said, sticking her tongue out to the oldest.

Yuna's father was a turned vampire, therefore her vampire side wasn't as strong, giving her the ability to enjoy human food as well as her father. Chaeryeong, was able to do so, too. Even though the reason still isn't known to anyone of them.

Hence, it took her quiet some time to figure that out, never doubting the fact that eating just a small amount of food would cause horrible stomacheaches for every vampire.

Chaeryeong laughed at that statement. "She is right Yeji. Me and her can go to the café and you can watch us eat and bring a cup of blood with you"

The older just huffed annoyed.

"Alright be like that", she said slightly turning around and heading to the kitchen. "I am going to prepare a cup of blood for me. You two make yourself comfortable, we are heading out in 15 minutes."

"Yayyyy" Yuna exclaimed, making Chaeryeong laugh. And even though the two were too loud to notice, Yeji was chuckling to herself.

Shaking her head in silent amusement.


"Hey, look there is an ice cream stand!", Yuna whisper-yelled at Chaery, hoping that Yeji didn't hear it....

"Yuna, we are not doing this again, you already had two cakes. Me and Chaery are following you around for already 2 hours. And this money has to last for another week. Please be considered." Yeji sighed at her. She was slowly losing her patience.

Yuna and Chaeryeong looked at eachother surpressing a laugh, leaving Yeji confused and slightly irritated.

"Yeji, I know that, I was just playing with you. I love you and your motherly antics never forget that." Yuna smiled lovingly at her friend, seeing that little frown form into a light smile.

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