24 It's great to see you again

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Yeji and Chaeryeong got accompanied by Ryujin the next day to buy the colleges' badge. It was essential to enter the college and the vampires found out about it through Yuna's helpful research.

"Can we buy one for Yuna, too, even if she isn't here?" Yeji asked, turning her head to face Ryujin behind her.

The younger nodded. "The people working here know me. Furthermore, you have her documents with you... they will give us the badge, dont worry."

Yeji hummed, approaching the counter. "Hi, we came to collect our badges? Me and Chaeryeong are new and our friend Yuna needs one, too."

Ryujin waved at the woman on the other side of the counter. "Hello Heejin, how's the job?"

"Hey Ryujin, nice to see you outside of the studio dungeon... well, I am fine, but the new students collectively decided to get their badges last minute... this week was a rush." The brunette answered and opened some drawers behind her.

Heejin diverted her attention to Yeji and smiled politely. "What's your and your friends full name?"

"I am Hwang Yeji." She motioned to Chaeryeong next to her. "This is Lee Chaeryeong and the youngest one, Shin Yuna, is missing." The vampire pulled papers out of her jackets pocket and unfolded them.

"I brought her documents.. if you need them. "

The other girl was focused on the computer screen infront of her. "I see Hwang Yeji... Chaeryeong and ahhh here is Shin Yuna."

Heejin looked up to meet Yeji's eyes and the documents in front of her. She took the documents out of Yeji's grasp and compared them with the information on the screen.

"All of you got registered by the same email and Yuna's signature on this document seems legit. I don't think that you would steal her badge so I doubt that giving it to you would cause trouble." Heejin turned around and took three badges out of a drawer before engraving the vampires names on them.

"However,.... if I find Yuna the next days here, looking for her badge.... you are getting real problems Ryujin."

Ryujin was taken aback and put a hand on her chest. " Wait ?! why me ?"

Heejin smiled, raising both her eyebrows. "Because I know where you live, troublemaker."


The girls left Heejin after receiving what they were looking for.

"Why couldn't Yuna come with us actually?" Ryujin asked, leaving the reception of the college.

"She said she had stuff to do, we tried to convince her to come with us but she refused." The redhead replied.

Ryujin nodded absently, when her face lit up.

"Do you maybe want to go shopping with me? Lia is out of town and I need some new stuff before school starts next monday..." The hunter pleaded with puppy eyes.

Yeji chuckled at the sight and searched in Chaeryeong's eyes for her opinion.

The latter shrugged. "We sure need some clothes, too... and it would be a crime to leave Ryujin all on her own, don't you think?"

"Yeah, it would tots be a crime!" The shorter stated, nodding her head in agreement.

"Well then lets go kids!" Yeji exclaimed, getting an elbow shoved into her side. The oldest yelped in suprised.

"We aren't kids, Yeji." Chaeryeong grumbled.

"Of course baby.." The vampire replied sending the other an air kiss.

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