45 I was having fun, alright?

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"I don't think the workers are done yet." Chaeryeong had remarked on their way back home.

"Really?" Yuna asked, beyond tired.

She hummed into the dark night, the cold wind embracing them on the city's rooftops.

"Yuna, you were the one to cause all that destruction-."

"I was defending myself!" She countered, jumping onto the next building.

"Exactly, you should know how it looked like..."

The younger huffed. "Damn it."

-- --

Nearing their house, they saw a dozen workers, linked like ants work around the house, changing the broken window and door.

The sun was slowly rising behind them, making the sight of human workers already on their feet nothing out of the ordinary. Yeji was sure no human and hopefully no supernatural would start to ask questions.

Entering, they found a whole lot more, cleaning the floors and painting over the marks on the wall.

Nobody paid the arriving vampires a glance, all focused on their task. Eyes entranced as if they were unable to look away from their current task.

"They were the closest cleaning company I had found." Chaeryeong had mumbled, walking around them as if she was escaping a labyrinth.

"I don't think it will take them more than an hour from now on to finish." Yeji assessed, looking at all the places they had already cleared and cleaned up.

"Can you tell them to clean my room?" Yuna chirped, her shoulder meeting Chaeryeong playfully.

"You can tell them that, if you'd like." Chaeryeong remarked, winking at her.

Yuna pouted, whining softly. "Oh please, I am too tired to..." She complained.

Chaeryeong snickered next to her. "Well, then you have to clean your room on your own."

They moved up the staircase, deciding on residing in the second floor until they were done.

While Chaeryeong looked for the key to the locked door, she felt Yeji's hand on her shoulder.

The redhead turned around, sensing Yeji's gaze on her.

"Do you want me to take over?" The leader asked, letting her palm move along Chaeryeong's arm.

Chaeryeong smiled grateful. What Yeji was offering her was generous, and although she felt her mind nearing its limit, she refused with a subtle shake of her head.

She took Yeji's hand into her own. "It's fine, you need to rest."

The older gazed at her uncertain. She could feel the use of the younger's power taking a toll on her. Eyes tired and shoulders slumped. But she trusted Chaeryeong to tell her when it got too much.

"Just say the word." She murmured.

Chaeryeong smiled. "Of course, darling."

Yuna snorted. "I need a good nap."

"You need a good shower and medical treatment." Yeji retorted, watching as Yuna turned her head to stare at her.

"You do, too." Chaeryeong added, clearly saving Yeji from Yuna.

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