46 Life should be fun

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To understand the following, please remember that in this world the status in a werewolf pack is based on social hierarchy. You can lose your position if somebody takes it from you forcefully. And you can gain it back or move up the ranks if you fight for it. Challenge others and prove yourself. This mostly applies to betas. Alphas and omegas, if not provoked, keep their social status their whole life.

Also, this whole chapter is basically just vibez and no plot

The werewolves were surprisingly early awake for a quiet Saturday morning.

Sun shining through the windows, and air flowing freely through the broken glass shards.

And as expected, Aeri and Yizhou would not leave Minjeong alone until she had scented them, too.

"I would scent you, too... but I have no plans to fight your little boo.." Yizhou had said nonchalantly, clearly only wanting to get a rise out of the alpha.

Minjeong tackled her onto the floor and tickled her until the younger gave up and apologized.

Jimin and Aeri had stood by, watching with amused smiles. The familiarity of the situation spreading like warm rays of sunshine.

Yizhou was always one to give back. Saw it just as important to scent her friends, as being scented. Something she had copied from her older sister that had also been an omega. And therefore Minjeong and Aeri often carried her fragrance, while Jimin's scent only lingered softly on their shared clothes. The older never minded. She knew they were hers to scold and dote over.

So it was a serious thing if even Yizhou decided to not interfere. And Minjeong couldn't help but nod, unable to shake the feeling that her friends knew something she didn't.

And well, Aeri. Aeri's scent was the strongest, clinging onto them proudly as if she was showing off. The scent of an alpha. Or, at least it used to be. 

Now there was only deep rooted sadness in her eyes, scent barely noticeable. And they could all feel it, the way Aeri looked away into the distance, searching for something to hold onto. To ground the overflowing passion in her heart that had no vessel anymore. Trapped inside of her clenched fists. 

It had all changed after that fateful night. Minjeong's father had found her in a vulnerable state and used her loyality towards Minjeong against her. He broke her. Made sure that she would never become a threat, stripped from her powers.

And Jimin felt it, had learned over the last years just how to comfort her. She moved closer, head resting on her shoulder, the tip of her nose cold against Aeri's adam's apple. Nipping at her skin tenderly.

"Baby.." Jimin murmured.

Aeri hummed, knowing that her voice would just further tell all the things she was trying to fight on her own.

"You are so precious to us. No matter what."

Aeri chuckled, putting her hand on Jimin's arms wrapped loosely around her body. "I know, Ji... I won't ever question your love for me... once in a while it just cuts open, you know? Even after all this time... some- sometimes I think I will never truly adjust to it."

Jimin stayed silent. And something in her heart broke once she realised no matter how much her scent will fill this room, Aeri wouldn't feel it like she used to. Not anymore.

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