37 Let's go romeo

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On friday Yeji picked up Lia at her home. Two shy smiles and one destination, that Yeji was stern on keeping a secret.

"Are you really going to kidnap me on our first real date?" The brunette had asked, sitting on the passenger seat.

Yeji had confiscated her phone, and then Lia was too distracted staring at her to even bother watching the street. After half an hour she simply had no idea where the hell they were heading to.

"Well, if you wouldn't have used your time to stare holes into me, you would know where we are." Yeji replied, an amused smile framing her lips.

Lia huffed resigned. "You're being unfair." She grumbled under her breath, gazing out the window.

"I am not being unfair, I simply like to surprise you." Yeji mumbled, a glint in her eyes. She had stolen this car from a hotel at the other end of the city. Hypnotizing the attendant and taking her sweet time in selecting a car that wouldn't be found or looked after...

"Your way of words is somehow disturbing....you sure this isn't a kidnapping?" Lia questioned.

Yeji chuckled, a comeback almost leaving her lips before she felt a feather light touch on her right thigh. At a safe distance, but still present, and still very distracting.

The hunter watched Yeji's eyes widen for an instance, right before she tried to recollect herself; deep breaths and soft taps on the steering wheel.

"Do you want it to be one?" The vampire countered, looking into the rear view before swiftly turning right. Feeling the palm on her thigh burning her skin like a light torch.

Lia was in Yeji's presence for hardly half an hour and the hunter already felt excitement cursing through her body. She didn't know what left her acting so bold, because it surely wasn't the glass of wine she had shared with Ryujin a few hours prior. No, that wasn't the reason, it were barely two sips and Lia could hold her liquor.

Because she knew what the difference was. Very simple, it was the tall black-haired girl taking her out.

Gazing at the older's expression, Lia found herself thinking back to their time on campus.

(It had felt almost intoxicating, the way Yeji couldn 't seem to care for all the attention that they had received there. Didn't care for all the stares that had followed them since monday. It was the way the older held onto her hand, not to brag and show her off as a trophy, but as if they were all alone. Just them.

With Yeji she felt free, free of that popular all smiles and butterflies persona. Yeji didn't know her reputation, and although Lia was sure that the older would at some point ask questions, the vampire never did.

Hence, Lia first thought that it was indifference. 

And maybe that had hurt her initially, but after watching the older hold her gaze, squeezing her hand; The hunter realized Yeji just chose to not care. 

And her acting was so so smooth, Lia had started to second guess if the latter even saw all those stares. But every time the brunette caught herself looking around, she felt Yeji's shoulder bump into her. Don't look at them, they just envy

It left her heart so undeniably full. Yeji had no clue how people viewed her, why they cared so much, and she didn't mind it at all. Your hand is so soft)

It made Lia all the more giddy. It was like an undefined sparkler, bright and blinding. Fearing the possible burn, fascinated all the same by the little firework in her hands.

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