20 I can feel it, too

193 18 3

I'm sorry for the late update

Yeji and Yuna were training upstairs and even though the younger was clearly aware of it, Yeji tried her best to hide her anger.

Yuna wasn't paying attention to her words and she was just incapable of learning, so Yeji thought.

And after some time she wasn't able to keep quiet.

"Would you just once listen to me?!" Yeji yelled out of frustration.

"I am listening to you! Why are you yelling at me for something I can't control?!" Yuna argued back offended at Yeji's words. "Since when are you so harsh and rude to me? I always listen to you... it just sometimes needs time to actually work." Yuna added sighing.

Yeji growled at her. "Don't yell at me."

As expected, Yuna was very irritated. Yeji was normally a kind and patient soul, she couldn't hurt a fly even if she wanted to...but now it was different. Yuna and Chaeryeong had already noticed a slight change of behavior from their oldest friend over the last week, but today it started to become very conspicuous.

Yeji lost her temper out of the blue, for something she normally wouldn't care for. It was definitely not what her friends were used to.

"I am sorry for yelling at you, Yeji. Could you please show me the combination one more time?" Yuna asked keeping her head low, not daring to look the other in the eyes.

She heard the black-haired girl sigh out loud. "Yeah, I can do that. This time you better listen to me."

Yuna just nodded, not knowing how to answer to the passive aggressiveness in her words.

Chaeryeong was downstairs preparing blood cups for the girls upstairs. She had listened to them and shook her head in sadness. She was clueless to what had happened to her friend. And every time one of the two would ask Yeji what bothered her, the latter would stubbornly assure that everything was fine when it clearly wasn't.

Yeji's bad temper seemed to only grow when she was around her vampire friends. Not showing any signs when the hunters would have accompanied them.

Chaeryeong had already thought about what the problem could be, but couldn't come up with anything, which left her irritated and annoyed. She refrained herself from talking back at Yeji because she thought the latter was solely in a bad mood, not really knowing what else to do.

She walked upstairs with the cups, finding Yuna panting in the corner while Yeji was almost demolishing the big rock they had carried into the training room. She was using it as a box sack letting her anger out.

Chaeryeong walked over to the younger, holding out the cup for her to take.

Yuna looked up and without a word took the cup from Chaeryeong, smiling thankful. Soon her gaze drifted to Yeji, and it looked as if she was shooting daggers at the older.

Chaeryeong chuckled dryly. "That bad?"

Yuna nodded as response. "I just don't understand. Wasn't everything alright that morning?" She asked, referring to the day after her punishment.

"Yeah, it was... don't worry this has nothing to do with us directly. I am sure that there is something she isn't telling us. And while Yeji probably wants to play it down and keep it secret I will find out what is bothering her." Chaeryeong stated, looking determined.

Yuna nodded, liking the idea. She really wasn't up for fighting against Yeji once again, but the current situation made it hard for her to stay in control.

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