39 You scumbag

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On the way back, Yeji found herself fearing the worst.

She could smell the stench of blood a mile away. Body gradually slowing down, hairs on edge-

The need to fight jumped out. Yeji wanted to attack, defend- but she wanted to run just as much. 

To move her legs until the creeping anxiety in her heart would fade away. But where to ?

Was it towards her attacked home or the woods she had just came from? There was a painful sting in her mouth, canines scraping against her gums. 

The pain made her think clearly, even if just for a few minutes. 

She asked herself what Eunbi would do in such a situation, something she'd only do when it took her too long to come up with the solution on her own. Every step felt like a heavy declaration. 

She felt dazed and over-fixated all at once. The walls of the alley closing in on her, spinning around her. Buildings suddenly right against her shoulder's, street lamps dancing in the wind with every breath.

It all dissipated once she finally caught sight of their premises, rounding the last corner with anger in her veins.

She felt her fingernails dig into her palm at the sight of their driveway. The front door wide ajar, the windows shattered, the garden and bushes disheveled and walked over.

Everything was in shambles, making her halt, feet glued to the grown.

It was pure instinct that kept her rooted. The picture of her friends crossing her mind.

She felt the fire growing in her heart. The timber of a growl erupted the deadly night. 

It was pure instinct that pushed her further. Suddenly it was all about destroying things. Making the one suffer that had dared to hurt them.

And she would make them suffer, but only once she made sure Yuna and Chaeryeong were alright. They were her priority. Always.

At the thought of them Yeji couldn't help but wince.

Where the hell were they ? What happened ? Why wasn't she able to feel Chaeryeong? 

A shiver run down her spine at the realization. Why the hell didn't she feel anything?

Yeji could feel the change in her eye color. If Chaeryeong had fought, Yeji would've known. No matter what.

Which, which meant-

What if she was already dead?

No. Yeji closed her eyes, finally realising that the little half-moons on her palms had drawn blood.

No, Yeji wouldn't forgive herself.

She was ready to kill, the mere thought of her friends lifeless in the middle of their kitchen haunting her. At a snails pace Yeji breached the distance, to occupied by the chaos in her mind to move faster.

It felt like a gruesome thing. As if she was giving the intruders a fair chance to run away.

But there was no-one, it was dead silent all over the premises. The only thing that made itself more noticeable the closer she got, was the undeniable reek of werewolves.

Oh. Werewolves? 

Yeji halted in her mind to really examine the smell. A sudden familiarity cursing to her body, leaving fury on its way.

Because Yeji knew that smell.


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