33 Scent is the heartbeat for me

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A/N: I am back sooner than normally, and that partly is so that I don't potentially sabotage myself.

I have been contemplating to throw this whole plot-line..... and before I actually go ahead and do it, I will publish this chapter and make it impossible to change..

So yeah, I guess a good thing.

I really hope you will like this, because editing has been hell : )


It was in the middle of the night when Yeji heard someone knocking against their house door.

It had gotten louder on the second try, still only barely audible for the vampire to slowly fall out of her current state and wake up. She sat up, rubbing her eyes before the clouds of her dream cleared and the severity of the situation hit her. 

She stood up, walking cautiously out of her room and towards the hallway. Halfway through, Chaeryeong emerged from her room, an alarmed look on her face. Yeji put her index finger on her lips, telling the latter to be quiet. She then drew a circle in the air. Chaeryeong nodded already having done this a million of times..

The redhead walked back into her room, opened her window and climbed onto the windowsill, ascending onto the ground outside the house.

No noises were made.

Chaeryeong worked on autopilot. She tiptoed next to the remaining wall, stopping right at the corner before she tried to peek around it, trying to see who had found their home at such an odd hour.

At the same time Yeji had arrived at the door, ready to turn the doorknob, when she felt Yuna's shadow in the corner moving to the backdoor, following their plan of making sure they weren't being encircled around the house.

And once she opened the door, she huffed at the familiar face. However, familiar didn't always mean welcomed, and it certainly didn't right now.

"Are you alone?" She asked, smelling the air, her senses on overdrive. Flitting gazes to the bushes, the top other buildings, even going as far as trying to hear any noises on their own rooftop.

"Why? Am I not good enough?"

It was Minjeong.

Head tilted in amusement and once the werewolf let her eyes wander Yeji's figure, she pursed her lips in an attempt to not coo at the cute outfit.

None of them had the time to dress up, and therefore, Yeji stood before the porch of their house in shorts and a grey undershirt.

Yeji glared at her, dared her to even comment on it, red eyes piercing through Minjeong as if she were solely a bug under Yeji's shoe.

The blonde gulped, realising that the vampire in front of her really didn't appreciate her cheeky attitude.

She stood straight, a serious expression on her face. "I came alone."

"And why the hell are you even here? How did you find us?" Yeji hissed through clenched teeth, her stance unshaken.

When it came to protecting her home and friends, nothing could stop her. Nothing could make her care for others.

"I came because I was ambushed and didn't know where to go.... I found Chaeryeong's scent and traced her back here...." She explained, a hint of fear and defeat in her eyes before it disappeared again.

Yeji stared at her, staying silent.

"Look, I know this seems like a trap, I wouldn't trust myself, too--...an- , and believe me, if I could go anywhere else I would."

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